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Goodness, had a reaction to sons medication..

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I am deathly allergic to sulfa based meds. DS was put on a sulfa based antibiotic yesteday. I am always careful about not licking it off my fingers if it spills on them and what not. Tonight DH gave Logan his meds and then right after I gave him a quick bite of my supper from my fork....then I took another bite. I started having breathing trouble and got a few hives. Had to find the benadryl! Geesh, guess I'll be taking extra precautions when giving him the med! In fact, maybe DH should just handle this one! ;)

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I wouldn't allow the doctors to prescribe sulfa drugs unless there weren't ANY other alternatives. If you're stuck with them, let hubby do it. That's what I do.


I'm allergic to cephalosporins; they cause my throat to swell up.


When my youngest was in the hospital at 2 1/2 weeks old, he was given cephalosporins intravenously. When his IV line failed near the end of his stay, I asked them if we could skip redoing the IV and just switch to oral meds. They were fine with that...except that within 2 hours of them switching to oral meds, I broke out in full body hives. I figured out that I was reacting to the residue of the medicine in his mouth getting on my skin with he nursed. Neither the nurses nor the doctors believed me. They said I'd have to take it internally to react to it, not simply touch it.


Funny thing is that he developed a full body rash that looked like heat rash. It wasn't until five days later at a follow up doctor's visit did someone finally believe me, identified his rash as hives, and change his meds right away. Both his and my hives went away promptly after that.


I don't allow anyone in the family to be given cephalosporins now. My kids and I tend to share the same sensitivities so I assume my older two are allergic too. If not, it doesn't matter because I can't give it to them anyway.

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I asked them about it and he said usually those types of allergic reactions weren't genetic......


This is a HUGE HUGE HUGE load of poop!!!!




I don't have time right at the moment to go and look it up for you.... but ask any good allergist, they'll tell you there are genetic connections!!!!


My best friend's husband is allergic to sulfa drugs and ALL 6 of their children are TOO!!


I am allergic to the "--sin" drugs and one of my children are "sensitive" and the other is allergic to it too.



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