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How could our 7 month old kitten be overweight??

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We have two 7 month old kittens, and we've noticed that one of them is getting more and more pudgy in the last few weeks. He's quite wide from the waist down, and his belly is hanging a bit. I weighed both kittens today-- the smaller one is 7 pounds, the other one is 13.7!!!!


I feed them both only Chicken Soup for the Kitten Lover's Soul, and I put out two 1/2cup servings, two times per day. That is within the recommendations on the food label for their age. I don't know how he could have gotten so overweight on that amount of food.


I was thinking that maybe I should start switching them over to the adult food, because it is lower in calories.


Has anyone else had an overweight kitten??



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Has the larger kitten been eating more than it's share of food? If so, you might need to separate them while they eat. If not, it might have a medical problem and need to see a vet. I have had cats of all sizes, but they didn't start getting bigger until they were older. And having such a size difference in litter mates (I'm assuming) seems a little odd. Hope all is well. - Michelle

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He might just be a bigger cat. Cats from the same litter can vary in size as adults. Worms that caused that much of a distention in the belly (and they don't cause a doubling in weight, the opposite), would also be causing other problems, like extremely poor coat condition. Have his thyroid checked if anything. Is he neutered?

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Oh, I should have mentioned that they are not litter mates. We got them from two different mothers, around the same time. They're both 7 months, though.


I really hope it's not worms! That would really gross me out, if his stomach were that big with worms!! :ack2: I tend to think that's not the case, because his belly has a saggy paunch, more than being round or distended. He's also seemingly healthy, with a glossy coat, bright eyes, good energy, etc. I will take him to the vet right away though if anything else seems amiss. We really love our kitties and will anything we need to to take good care of them!


He is neutered, but hasn't had a vet check or deworming since he was about 10 weeks old, so I may take him in soon just in case.


Thanks for the ideas!









He might just be a bigger cat. Cats from the same litter can vary in size as adults. Worms that caused that much of a distention in the belly (and they don't cause a doubling in weight, the opposite), would also be causing other problems, like extremely poor coat condition. Have his thyroid checked if anything. Is he neutered?
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Has the larger kitten been eating more than it's share of food? If so, you might need to separate them while they eat.


I try to watch to see that they both eat their fair share, but it's hard to tell because they don't eat all at once. Dh puts out food in the morning with 1 cup total of food, and then I refill the bowls in the evening with another 1 cup. I see both cats at the bowls at various times throughout the day.


I guess I may have to stop allowing free feeding, and only give a smaller amount to each cat separately, at set times.



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I am going to guess that he is just chubby naturally. Our last kitten is on the tubby side. All of my other cats did not get fat until they were older. She always tipped the scales several pounds over what was expected for her age. I would not say she is fat, but she definitely has a paunch. You probably just have a BIG kitty on your hands.

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MY mom had a cat with a thyroid problem. He weighed 30 pounds!! They thought it was just gluttony, but he needed medication. He never did lose much weight, despite the meds and a special diet, though.


My first thought was: that's a girl kitty who is pregnant! But if you had him neutered, I guess not, LOL. Worms do distend their bellies, but don't add weight, I wouldn't think. Maybe he's stealing the other cats food? Or just going to be reeeaaallllly big? My adult cats are 8-10 pounds!

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I am going to guess that he is just chubby naturally. Our last kitten is on the tubby side. All of my other cats did not get fat until they were older. She always tipped the scales several pounds over what was expected for her age. I would not say she is fat, but she definitely has a paunch. You probably just have a BIG kitty on your hands.


Well, I have to admit that I would love it if that were the case. I LOVE big cats. Not overweight in an unhealthy way, but a big-headed, big footed armful of a cat... :001_wub:



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