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Are there any *active* Christian social groups on the boards?


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I sometimes find that here on the boards my opinions are not very cared for by the secular majority of the board readers. I love you all but it would sometimes be nice to be able to ask Christians some questions or to be able to give some Christian advise without others finding it offensive. I'm wondering if there are any active groups for Christians here on the boards. Almost all the groups seem to be dead (with the exception of the politics group) which makes it hard to find active ones. If there aren't any do any of you want something like this? Should I start one?

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The search function appears to be broken so I can't see if you are a member of the Bible Believing Christians social group.  If you want to be invited (it is a private group since we share personal prayer requests), please send me a PM.  There hasn't been any posts there since December mainly because my health has been such that I haven't been soliciting prayer requests etc. but I'm sure we can get some interaction going.  ;)

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I sometimes find that here on the boards my opinions are not very cared for by the secular majority of the board readers. I love you all but it would sometimes be nice to be able to ask Christians some questions or to be able to give some Christian advise without others finding it offensive. I'm wondering if there are any active groups for Christians here on the boards. Almost all the groups seem to be dead (with the exception of the politics group) which makes it hard to find active ones. If there aren't any do any of you want something like this? Should I start one?


You worded this so carefully and graciously that I'm half afraid to respond (especially since I can't remember any contention in your threads, sorry), but...


a lot of people in the majority on these boards, on a lot of issues, ARE Christians. There'll be a lot of overlap on humanitarian issues, social justice issues, etc. between liberal Christians and people of other faiths, or with secular humanists.


What kind of Christians are you looking for? How will we Christians know whether or not we're the right kind for this group?

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You worded this so carefully and graciously that I'm half afraid to respond (especially since I can't remember any contention in your threads, sorry), but...


a lot of people in the majority on these boards, on a lot of issues, ARE Christians. There'll be a lot of overlap on humanitarian issues, social justice issues, etc. between liberal Christians and people of other faiths, or with secular humanists.


What kind of Christians are you looking for? How will we Christians know whether or not we're the right kind for this group?


I understand what you're saying. I'm quite theologically conservative. I guess I'm looking for a place where I would feel comfortable to encourage someone to submit to her husband, raise her daughters to be a "keeper of the home" or at least discuss what that means, modesty, etc. Maybe these boards are just not the place to find that sort of conversation but I have noticed that there does seem to be others here that would be of like mind with me on these issues. I often completely avoid these topics, even if the original poster would agree, because I know where it will go.


Even within the "conservative" Christian circles there is a wide variety of opinions and interpretations. I suspect that I may still feel like a fish out of water but at least I could give it a try. :)


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I understand what you're saying. I'm quite theologically conservative. I guess I'm looking for a place where I would feel comfortable to encourage someone to submit to her husband, raise her daughters to be a "keeper of the home" or at least discuss what that means, modesty, etc. Maybe these boards are just not the place to find that sort of conversation but I have noticed that there does seem to be others here that would be of like mind with me on these issues. I often completely avoid these topics, even if the original poster would agree, because I know where it will go.


Even within the "conservative" Christian circles there is a wide variety of opinions and interpretations. I suspect that I may still feel like a fish out of water but at least I could give it a try. :)



On a personal level, this answers my question - this isn't me. I disagree that these are theologically conservative positions, they are rather cultural in nature, IMO. But I do hope you find your tribe amongst hs'ers, Rose. I think on most hs'ing forums except this one (and in IRL groups in most states), your group is the majority.

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On a personal level, this answers my question - this isn't me. I disagree that these are theologically conservative positions, they are rather cultural in nature, IMO. But I do hope you find your tribe amongst hs'ers, Rose. I think on most hs'ing forums except this one (and in IRL groups in most states), your group is the majority.

Not in BC!


I like these boards because I don't care for the war-mongering or US politics that I find on the other boards. I also appreciate the intelligent conversation that can be found here. I don't really fit in with the Pearls or Ezzo crowd. They silence me for other reasons. I'm fringe Anabaptist and that doesn't provide for a lot of online company. :laugh:

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Dear Rose,

I think we might have some things in common. I am new to these boards, but I really appreciate all of the interesting homeschooling and curriculum advice to be found here. I do not know if there is a group here for likeminded ladies, but you would be welcome to send me a private message (I guess there must be a way to do that). I am a homeschooling mother of three and I love the north even though we don't live in it. I am also really conservative. I'm not Anabaptist but there are definitely similarities. Have a blessed day!


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