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The Ski Lodge (aka Teachers Lounge) 1-31-2017


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It's Wednesday   Tuesday!  (thanks to Scout for pointing out the error of my ways!)


It is also the LAST day of January! What?? So, before February actually hits us tomorrow,

I'm asking for your help in coming up with a nickname for the Lodge. It can be a suggestion for just

February or for the whole year. I'm kind of having fun with these monthly nicknames, though!


Who's ready for today? Here: not me. Just woke up a few minutes ago and my lower back is loudly complaining. :glare:

Hopefully that won't be for all day!


Who's ready for February? Here: not sure. I had various things I thought I wanted accomplished this month but maybe not so much as I let them go to the wayside. :mellow:


Has anyone found their homeschooling groove yet? Here: if you have, please let me know how you found it. I feel like we're in a groove about one day per quarter! Oi! :svengo:


Talk to me! :bigear:

Edited by scrapbookbuzz
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Hey Scrap, you need more coffee! :smilielol5:

It is only Tuesday. Good thing, too, because if it were Wed, I would have missed several important things already. :willy_nilly:

We are still in jammies here. 


No how ready for today or for February. Except that my daffodils are up and it will be spring here soon.  :hurray:  :hurray:  I am big time ready for sunshine and warm days.  We are not as far through our schoolwork as I had planned - nothing new there, but it is discouraging. Classic case of homeschooler February blahs here. 


Homeschooling groove. With Dd, mostly. We are both flexible enough to roll with changes as they come and I think we both enjoy homeschooling. With Ds, nope. Different kids. He is much more challenging in terms of academics and relationship. 



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Scout, when you said it was only Tuesday, I seriously had to think about that for a moment or two!

Good thing I've moved on to a Mountain Dew! I think I'll need it today! Oi!


I'm contemplating changing up, once again, our schooling. mostly to help dd18 with some necessary life skills!

I mean, she knows how to wash, dry, and fold her clothes. She knows some basic cooking but I'd like her to know more.

But she also needs to get through Algebra, Chemistry, and English! And squeeze in foreign language there somewhere!

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Hi ladies I'm still here, just can't find the lodge some days and hate wading through the posts on the board to look for it.


Yes, I'm ready for the day! Been to bank already to open bank account for number four to start teaching him about finances and all that jazz. We've done a little bit of school work and I'll be leaving momentarily for an appointment.



I am jazzed about February! I know you want to know why, because I dubbed it " treat yo self February ," those who watch Parks and Recreation will know what I'm talking about. Anyway, I saved most of my spending money from last month and my Amazon gift card so that I could treat myself to something just for me each week this month. I was hoping that having a few treats this month would stave off the February blues!


We do seem to have found our school groove, of course, if you ask this question again tomorrow you'll probably get a different answer, lol.

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Good afternoon!


Things have been really stressful here. I got my nephew, and he's had seizures every night. He's felt bad each day because of them. I hit one of our cats with the car this weekend, and the vets here are closed on the weekend. Dh took her Monday, and thankfully it's just her tail. She is constipated, though, so we're giving her mineral oil. Dh is sick now, too, with cough and a fever.


I'm struggling anyway this week because Friday is the third anniversary of my mom passing away from liver failure. She was in a coma for a week, so this whole week has her on my mind.


Who's ready for today?

I wasn't really, but it came. It came just the same.


Who's ready for February?

I don't know. It's going to be a very busy month, so maybe not. I'll have 2 co-ops, one of which involves planning next year's high school classes. I'll keep my nephew for 6 days. My 50th birthday is next month. Dh will have a winter break from school, and he wants to go see his family. I love them but want to stay here and relax. Weather could prevent it if it will actually be winter in that area and/or here.


Has anyone found their homeschooling groove yet?

There's supposed to be a groove? :confused1:



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