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The Ski Lodge (aka Teachers Lounge) 1-20-2017


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Happy Inauguration Day!


(Where's the flag emoji?)


It also happens to be Friday, which for my boy will be a BUSY day. He has to finish up a Unit Test in Math this morning even though he had a really hard time getting to sleep last night so got to sleep about Midnight!  :svengo:

Then this afternoon, he has his 3.5 hour theatre class and tonight (at 8pm) he has his tae kwon do midterm. Might have to stock him up on protein today!


What's going on for you today? Here: see above. Plus, I'm also watching the Inauguration. DH has his Loan Officer (licensing) exam this morning. The dumb test is literally designed so you fail it the first time. I'm praying he passes in spite of that!


Any plans for the weekend? Here: undetermined at this point. I want to "get away" tomorrow to do some herbalist studies where I'm not distracted but I don't have a decent laptop and my iPad 2 won't handle the current class content. Not really sure what I'm going to do about that at the moment.


Who's distracted today? Here: me!


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Hi all. 



Going on today: Cleaning, school, and laundry. Watching anything BUT the inauguration. 


Plans for the weekend: I have an errand to do tomorrow morning, and then a grocery run afterwards. And listing a lot of stuff for sale on multiple groups / platforms. 


Distracted: Yup. 10:35 and I haven't even gotten out of bed yet - just sitting here working on my laptop. 

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Feeling frustrated. I think I'm suffering from rigid thinking. Last semester Celery did homeschool group guitar a 35 min drive away (kind of like a co-op, but with a paid professional instructor). They offer other things too. But, since I knew we were going to be gone for a month last semester, I didn't sign the kids up for anything else. My plan was to have both kids do theater this semester, then lunch, then have Celery do guitar, and then have Broccoli do choir. Today's the first day of the spring semester for that.


BUT, they're not offering theater anymore, and Broccoli has been saying he hates singing for the past couple of weeks (out of the blue). I asked Broccoli if he wants to try choir, and he does not (shocking, I know). Celery doesn't really want to do guitar either, but he's got guitar on his IHIP (homeschool paperwork in NY) because he said he wanted to do guitar, so he's gotta do guitar somehow this year. Oh, and he says he'd rather do group lessons than individual. BUT, I don't particularly want to drive 35 min each way for group lessons he doesn't particularly want, with kids he's not really socializing with anyway (he could get individual lessons much closer). Theater, guitar, choir sounded like a fun plan and worth a 35 min drive each way. But, why do my kids think fun stuff isn't fun? FWIW, they pretty much think nothing is fun, unless it's playing on the iPad (which they wouldn't be doing in the middle of the day anyway, so this is a moot point - they're not losing iPad time by doing other fun stuff).


On the bright side, I couldn't even find the registration stuff for the spring semester (finding it for the fall semester took a lot of work too), so I can still say n/m. Which, I'm pretty sure I'm going to do (if we were going, we'd have to be in the car in about half an hour). I just wanted this to work out. I don't want to have to second-guess myself about whether to make my 6yo try something fun like choir. I don't like making kids do stuff they don't want to do... I just wish I had naturally more enthusiastic kids. And I hate NY homeschool paperwork that locks me into decisions (yes, I could file for a change in the IHIP to remove guitar, but, ugh).

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What's going on: I went with a friend to visit another friend.  And then we ended up standing at her van talking about some political things.  That's where I was the moment we got a new president in fact.  Cameron's going to a campout tonight for Scouts.  They take the homeschoolers early so he's leaving in about an hour and a half.  I might see if Jamie wants to go out on a date tonight.  He's leaving Sunday for DC for a week for work.


Weekend Plans: Black belt testing for me and Jamie tomorrow afternoon.  Ani works Saturday and Cameron has a taekwondo junior instructor class he needs to go to (which means we're going very early in the morning to pick him up early from the campout).  Church on Sunday.  Jamie has to be at the airport before we get out of church.


Distracted: Yes!  It's driving me crazy that it seems like every week there's something else I need to go do and leave the kids to get their school work done (which they do very well, but still it makes for crazy days).

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Sounds like a busy weekend, Butter!


That reminds me, though - I get to start taking TKD with the kids next week! 

They're in the adult class so I'll fit right in. Looking forward to it as I desperately

need accountability for my exercise regimen!


Kinda chilly for a campout, isn't it?

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luuknam, not to add flame to the fire of your consternation, but did you get the "hiking/biking" expedition

situation resolved with your wife?


You didn't see the update? She did it, made it to Utica, and then took the train home. I thought you'd seen that update. Other than that, yeah, still not happy about it, but w/e. Wish she'd make a doctor's appointment. Can't make her though.

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Hello! Happy Inauguration Day!


What's up for me today: Cleaning my house (how did my house go from reasonably tidy to looking like a tornado hit in one day?) and waiting for a hay delivery for my horses. This is a new supplier and I'm picky about my hay, so I hope it goes well.


Weekend plans: Have to do little shopping (ugh) and get the garage organized (looks like the tornado hit out there, too). I've been telling myself for weeks that it's too cold to work in the garage, but now that it's warmed up to the upper 30's, I have no excuse.  :glare:


Am I distracted? Constantly!

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Prepping for a 4H club meeting - chemistry of polymers - we are going to make bubblegum.

Returning correspondence for the NASA program.


Managed to make it to the gym today. Finally.


For the weekend:

Rocket team for 3 hours tomorrow.

Mopping Kitchen and bathroom floors.

Then maybe, just maybe, some quilting.


Trying very hard not to be distracted today.

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Sounds like a busy weekend, Butter!


That reminds me, though - I get to start taking TKD with the kids next week! 

They're in the adult class so I'll fit right in. Looking forward to it as I desperately

need accountability for my exercise regimen!


Kinda chilly for a campout, isn't it?


I hope you love it!  I enjoy taekwondo a lot.  Once I have my first degree, though, I'm done with progress.  I hate testing.  I'm happy to take class and get exercise and have fun, but I don't feel any pressing need to go past first degree black belt.


South Texas FTW.  It's 74 right now with an overnight low of 55.  Campouts are pretty nice year round here.

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Good afternoon! It was a busy day, up before 6:30 and didn't get home until 4! Co-op and homeschool skating on the same Friday make for a long day and a tired momma. 



What's going on for you today?

Co-op was today. I am the director, and I teach IEW writing and a literature class for 2nd-3rd graders. My dad came and took me to lunch while I sent ds with a friend to skating. After lunch and an errand to the bank, I went to hang out with other moms until skating was over. 


Any plans for the weekend?

Ds' basketball game is tomorrow. Sunday morning is church, and Sunday afternoon, we're going to my best friend's house to watch the game. She's a huge Packers fan, and we live near Atlanta. It should be fun!


Who's distracted today? I'm more tired than distracted. I stayed up until almost 1 and got up way too early. 

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