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This is my whine for the day


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I have to leave for work at 5:45am this morning and be there early to get prepped to give my final exam.  Well, it isn't MINE, it is a state given English test, given to ESL students, even though they are ESL.  Ridiculous.  But I have no say or control.  Even reg. English kids struggle with this test.  And it is a mandatory 20% of their grade.  I have no say in that either.


I  hate final exams.


And I hate that i am not allowed to be online or text during the duration of the test.  I just have to sit there, staring at students.


Ok, that is all, that is my whine of the day.



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I hate proctoring exams.  It is SO boring.  Would they notice if you have tiny earbuds and an audiobook?  Just one ear so you could hear the students?


I think the worst part is the stress level in the room.  Maybe I'm a bit of an empath, but being in a silent room full of anxiety-ridden children, makes me a bundle of nerves.  Homeschool testing wasn't too bad, because most of the kids didn't know to be stressed or didn't care, so it was just boring. But the high stakes testing like Regents, SATs, or state testing was exhausting.


((Hugs)) to you!

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My daughter tells me that when she gives most state/fed required tests, the students who finish early are not allowed to do anything when they're done - not read, not draw, no playdough, some even forbid them from putting their heads on their desks...... And then, when they're done, they're supposed to go directly on to the next class and get their academic time in.


Absolutely crazy!



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It is over!  YAY!


I ended up spending the time lesson planning, but there were several times I wanted to look stuff up but couldn't.


And no, no audiobooks as I would need an electronic device for that.


I have another test to give Mon but it isn't a state mandated core class so I just give my own final and can do whatever I want while they take the test.

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