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Okay, if you've seen some of my posts, you realize "I am a curriculum jumper". (There should be some sort of help group for this) Anyway, I was really attracted to MFW 1st this spring, and bought it-twice!:blushing: Once new, once used. I waited until the end of the summer, just before we were going to start and tried to figure everything out & organize it. So...I don't know if I was trying to organize it too much, or if I'm guidebook challenged (I think a little of both). But I just didn't/couldn't get it!!! So, I sold both, right.


Now, after using other things (okay things) but not loving them, and maybe being a little more confidant, I am drawn back to it. So I posted a WTB on yahoogroups (I was too embarrassed to do it here-I didn't want to be found out-now the secret's out:tongue_smilie:).

I get a response from someone at yahoo, who describes the stuff, says she used it for 2 weeks, yada,yada. Anyway, I think "her email address seems familiar". Yes, folks, she is the one I sold my stuff to!!!:rofl::rofl:


Are we crazy, or what? Now, I'm afraid to respond because I don't want her to know it's me. Then she'll really think I'm insane.

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:lol: Too funny! I've sold and rebought stuff myself--though never from the same person. :001_smile:


For what it's worth, I loved using the MFW 1st reader and Bible notebook. I used the guidebook only to read the Bible stories, and I didn't use the phonics extras. I bought it for a good price used a couple of years--yes, I have the sickness--before I needed it, and wasn't thrilled with using it for my whole curriculum. I had shelved it and forgotten about it until I was dissatisfied with what we had picked for Bible. I pulled out these materials and they were the highlight of our year. I used other materials for math, phonics, writing and science, though, so I'm not sure of how it is to use it alone.

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I get a response from someone at yahoo, who describes the stuff, says she used it for 2 weeks, yada,yada. Anyway, I think "her email address seems familiar". Yes, folks, she is the one I sold my stuff to!!!:rofl::rofl:




Oh, my goodness! :lol:

Are you getting it back for less?

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You are VERY funny!


I have to confess that I moved away from MFW this year and am regretting it mightily. I have a friend who I think is going to let me buy her Adventures used - or trade me for something, although I can't imagine I have anything she needs/wants. We'll see.


I thought MFW 1 was a fabulous program. I have not actually every completed it, but I started it twice. :D

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No need to feel embarrassed. If we don't purchase things to get a good look at them how will we ever know for sure if they are a good fit for us. :001_smile:

One of the great advantages of homeschooling is we get to choose and change our mind about what resources we are using whenever we want to.

I have found that what was a good fit for one of my children is not always what is best for one of my other children.


I am not laughting AT you , regarding your changing and selling and then repurchasing your curriculum, but WITH you. There are items I have purchased the same item more than once because I have gotten rid of it and then wanted to use it again later. :lol:

Edited by Miss Sherry
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Then she is equally insane right? :lol: This time, please, ask for help!!!! After a couple of years with MFW I have a few ideas for how to get organized. Crystal posts here too and she has done all of MFW so she is a great resource.


I think you will love MFW and don't feel bad about buying from the person you sold to. At least you will really know what you are getting! :thumbup:




I will ask this time! And next year, when we are doing Adventures (which I already bought & am drooling over)


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That's too funny. But if it helps I am just starting my second year with MFW. I love them. I would love to help with any questions.


Oh, and if you find a group for 'curriculum junkies' pass it along to me because I definitely need the help as well.:001_smile:

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That's too funny. But if it helps I am just starting my second year with MFW. I love them. I would love to help with any questions.


Oh, and if you find a group for 'curriculum junkies' pass it along to me because I definitely need the help as well.:001_smile:




I had to go to your blog when I saw you were "mommy to 12". I'm sure everyone asks you, but HOW can you find time to have a blog?? Or anything? Anyway, I see you're in Wisconsin, so are we!! Where are you at? We're in Green Lake. (We are allowed to tell, aren't we? I already broke one rule last week)


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