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Motivational Organization type books?


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In the past books like The Happiness Project and Getting Things Done have sparked some great discussions here.  Anyone have suggestions for similar books?  I never end up following completely a 'system' designed by anyone else, but I do enjoy reading about how other people organize their time.  Anyone doing any reading like this?

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I'll be doing my annual re-reading of GTD in an attempt to get it to work for me :lol: I'd also love to hear about reading people are doing or have done. I will say, though, that I think I've finally created a system that is what I need it to be, if I don't weigh it down with a bunch of other requirements (which is probably why GTD loses me at a certain point). I think I'm also going to re-read Switch (I don't remember much of it, it's been awhile) and The Power of Habit.




ETA: Oooh, this looks interesting too. And I've also heard good things about the 4-Hour Workweek--mainly that it's mostly throwaway but that there are a few takeaways that are really valuable. It's free via our audio library, so I can commit to listening to it, at least :D


ETA again: Here's a Happiness Project-type book that looks interesting:



Edited by ILiveInFlipFlops
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I want to read Overwhelmed, by Brigid Schulte. Ever since I heard "time confetti" mentioned here, I've been interested in eliminating it from my life and generating blocks of free time for myself and for my boys. I think I've done a decent job, but I'd love to read more about it. Not quite organization, but maybe it is. I'm getting into the less is more approach to life the lazier I get. :D

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All good suggestions.  I had The Power of Habit on my list to read, but I got sidetracked (b/c I am Overwhelmed)! And, so, of course, Overwhelmed has great appeal to me!  :laugh: Forgot about Switch too.  Have not read it yet.  Thanks for the ideas!

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