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Lego - love /hate relationship


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We had Legos all over our house. They were scattered in the playroom, in bedrooms, in the sunroom, in the garage. I am done buying Legos because as they play with them or put them away pieces break off. We cleaned the playroom on Friday and Saturday, then went around the house collecting more Legos. As we found them we threw all the Legos on a big sheet. Saturday night and Sunday night I sorted the Legos by color as I watched a Netflix miniseries called Why do I so feel incredibly happy this morning? I have such a love/hate relationship with Legos.

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When my kids were really into that Lego season of their lives, I had a toddler.  I made a rule that no Lego or Lego creation could leave their room, which was off limits to my toddler.  I wanted one place that I felt that they could be kids without worrying about her.  My other rule was that they could only play with them on a big sheet.  When they were done, they folded the corners of the sheet in and all spare parts went into the boxes.  If I found any off the sheet (usually by stepping on in them middle of the night) those pieces were confiscated and they had to earn them back with special chores.  We used flat under-bed boxes to store the pieces, which were shallow enough to make it easy to find what they wanted and didn't bother sorting by size/color. If they wanted to do that, they could, but it was not going to be my responsibility.  Mamma aint got time for that!  The only things that were sorted were special kits like Tekniques or other things like that. 


I miss the sound of them sorting through the pieces to build stuff.  Life was so much simpler then when my biggest worry was getting impaled by a Lego piece. 

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We have so many Legos it isn't even funny.  But to make it rose we have two collections of Legos.  The older boys have theirs that are mostly confined to their room (a fw city, but mostly fighting type themed ones),  The two of them know which set belongs to who but the regularly mix up the pieces to make their own creation.  Then the girls have their sets downstairs in the toyroom(mostly friends but a few city themed one).  The problem is my little guy wants to play with Lego's and no one wants to let him use their stuff for fear he will lose pieces (understandable since he carries them everywhere with him but at the same time, how do they even know if they lost one piece out of 20,000), so now we are starting on our 3rd collection.  So far his is limited to the Lego juniors but I foresee it growing since it's his favorite thing to play with.


While I hate the pawing sound of them digging for Legos, it's better now that most of them are confined to rooms. 


Lightbrights are the bane of my existence.  I still twitch when I find them even though it's been 5 years since I got rid of most of them.

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Sorting Lego bricks by color is therapeutic for me. Our rule was get out the color you want, dump it on a blanket to find the pieces you need, then return the rest to the correct box.


The bigger problem is what to do with them after they are built. They take up an insane amount of shelf space.


There isn't a single Lego kit under the tree this year--the Lego stage was fun, guess we're past it now.





Edited by mom2att
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