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Options for online writing classes, not AP, not a course with strict style requirements

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I would like to know what the current options are for online writing courses for my child that will be a junior next year.


1) She is not ready for AP


2) I do not want the kind of class that my son had with Potters School-(Advanced Composition I think) but I think all of their courses at that time were taught in the same way.  I don't know how to label the teaching method, but there were strict requirements about not using being verbs, not starting sentences with the, etc.  I want a course that doesn't have this kind of strict style requirements(or convince me that I do:)).






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Bravewriter - fantastic online classes.


Each class is 4-6 weeks. They are expensive, but worth every penny. Maintains the individual's writing voice while giving excellent feedback - both pointing out the positives as well as constructive criticism.


There are NO style requirements as to how to open sentences, etc.

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Yikes, it sounds perfect, but it is so expensive.  I do one online course per high school student(not 1 a year, just 1).  A year course is around $550 most places, but this would only get 12 weeks for that.  Hmm.  I'll keep thinking about it. Thanks for the recommendation.



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onlineg3 if you want something mellow and enjoyable and encouraging. my older has taken 2 classes with them and will be taking a writing class and a literature class with them in the spring.


I see that your son takes classes at OnlineG3. I was looking over their website recently and saw that they are now accredited and offer Advanced History classes. I was wondering if you could share your experience using them as a provider? How the classes work - I see there are weekly webinars but is there some other platform they use too? How are the weekly classes structured? Teaching or more discussion? Rigor of classes? Amount of homework? Grading? Just general thoughts? 


I was considering either their advanced World History or Advanced US History for my DD who will be in 10th grade next year.


Feel free to PM me - I tried to message you but it wouldn't let me send you a message. 


BTW - I live in SFL too!

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