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The Prep & Landing Lounge 12-16-2016


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Happy Friday!!!

Although Friday to me is just another day in the week as we tend, or I tend,to be equally busy during the weekends!


However, tomorrow, dd18 and I are driving to a town about 40 minutes away to meet a friend to watch a live

broadcast of Hamlet, starring Benedict Cumerbatch (BBC's Sherlock). So excited for that!


Who still needs to wrap up Christmas prep? Here: I still need to send out some Christmas cards, and get one package out. 

We'll see if that happens today. Mailing packages the other day about gave me a stroke! No, not really, but the price of postage! Ouch! It's not so bad when you send a stamped envelope here or there but packages! Postage on one package cost me more than the total contents in the package!


Is it possible to have Reverse Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)? Here: I keep wondering because while I live in Phoenix where it is sunny most days of the year, I really do miss snow! This year reading all the posts about people experiencing snow makes me sad - because I'm not there to experience it. I grew up in the Midwest. I miss four seasons. And I'm pretty sure it doesn't help that I had a job offer a couple of years ago that would have allowed me to live in a four season area but I had to turn it down because dh didn't want to move. 


What's on your schedule today? Here: a chiropractic appointment, a coffee date, and possibly a Christmas party. I say, "possibly" because at first I had decided not to go, since it will be a rather busy weekend already. However, the way I'm feeling this morning, I might need that fun in my life. We'll see.


Oh, good news! I actually got a decent amount of sleep last night! The insomnia went and visited someone else! B-)


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Morning all. 



I have to go pick up the last of dd's Christmas gifts today {well hopefully last - we'll see if what I ordered works or not}.


I don't know if it's possible, but SAD definitely is a thing. So is holiday related depression. 



Schedule today {all via city bus}: Bank, pick up dd's gifts {across town and 2 hour bus ride}, and maybe Walmart afterwards to do shopkicks and pick up butter. All {hopefully} sans dd - I really need a few hours break to myself after her behavior last night {aspie meltdown triggered by who knows what}. I'm trying to bank shopkicks back to get us a new TV sometime in 2017, as ours is on it's last legs. 

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frugal, I don't know about your Aspie but mine is almost always affected by the full moon. And there is one this week1

Here's to you getting some peace to yourself!


ETA: you should join some of the rest of us on the Moms w/Teen Aspies thread. Go to Forums, then look down at the very 

bottom of the page. That's where we are!


Edited by scrapbookbuzz
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I have barely started Christmas prep, but I am not frantic about it. What gets done will get done; the rest won't, and no one will melt from an unwrapped present or two.


We're still icy, so no work or appointments. My suster's kids are over because they lost power. We'll go visit friends later.


Glad you got some sleep! :)

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I mailed all of our packages yesterday and half the Christmas cards are ready.  I think I will have them ready to go, tomorrow.  Then I can just focus on immediate family things (finishing up some homemade gifts, ALL the wrapping, cleaning, prepping for the meals).  I feel the need to step up Christmas prep a little more today because ds2 woke up vomiting and he's warm...  :001_unsure: We usually all get stomach bugs no matter how careful dh and I try to be with cleaning up.  I'd better get done what I can, while I can!  At least this semi-explains why he was acting like a little terror yesterday.  I am super grateful that the baby is over 4 months old and should hopefully be able to handle illness.


Still doing school today and probably through Thursday next week.  I want to get through our social studies unit and have a test before the break.


Hamlet sounds wonderful.  I would love a treat like that!

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Cecropia, thanks for joining us! It seems to be an annual tradition now that a few girlfriends and I go out

to a unique event like this each December. As long as tickets for these types of things remain at $15.00ea

I can handle that! The past two years have been Doctor Who showings via Fathom Events.


Actually, last year was BBC Sherlock's The Abominable Bride. This year it's Hamlet.


Myfunnybunch, you're right, no one will dissintegrate because of one unwrapped present. Which me thinks that just a moment

ago I realized I didn't send my stepbrother something in the package I just sent for stepsister and stepmom, forgetting they would

probably all be together for Christmas! Oops.


My brain is not being cooperative today so kids are on an independent learning day today.

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Today I got an oil change and inspection and the free car wash that goes along with that (and then it snowed again, so the car is covered in snow now). I unpacked some of the luggage, did a bunch of laundry, and showed up to what I thought was an appointment with the school district's autism expert only to find out it was a "tentative" date that hadn't been confirmed. And, I've still got jet lag. Got home at about midnight Wednesday night because Canada apparently requires an eTA now, which takes only a minute but can only be done through their web form, which of course was under maintenance on Tuesday and then malfunctioning, so I missed the Tuesday flight and had to pay $$$ to get on Wednesday's flight. Not amused, and probably never flying out of Canada again, no matter how much cheaper it is.


ETA: last time my wife flew out of Canada the truck broke on the way home, still in Canada, and that was a costly hassle to deal with too.

Edited by luuknam
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Scrap - I put in to join the group. DD isn't a teen yet but she is hitting teen behavior issues now thanks to early puberty. And I did get at least a little peace to myself {well as peaceful as a city bus ride can be}.


Myfunnybunch - I'll let you in on a secret. I don't wrap ANYTHING! Santa doesn't have time to wrap gifts because he is so busy at the north pole. And I just put the gifts from me in a separate pile. Or if I feel inspired, I put all the gifts from me into a single box and wrap it. 


My day was okay - picked up the stuff but neither item will work for dd. One can be returned easily to Walmart/Target. The other is from Kohls, and it is NOT convenient to return to there. I may list it on offerup and see if maybe someone else wants to buy it for a gift :) The highlight of the day however was the goodwill I ran in to use the restroom at since it was near the bus stop - I scored TWO items for dd for Christmas there and it was only $2.25 total! Tales of Beedle the Bard {to round out the Harry Potter things} and a vintage American Girl stationary set. I am still trying to decide if I should gift her the stationary set or list it for sale to a collector - it's not even been opened!

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I'm finishing wrapping for my side of the family tonight. That will feel good to have it done!


Took youngest to the doctor because he's pretty sick, pretty sure they cultured his tongue and not his throat 😜 surprise, it was negative but between his bright red throat, red bumps, fever, and "strep" breath, doctor started him on abx while they send the culture out.


Also, drove 1 hour each way to pick up a gift for oldest that he's going to go nuts for. Knowing how excited he will be made me so happy each way of the drive!


Did a bunch of financial housekeeping - paid bills, made sure the money was there for said bills, etc lol


I still have a couple of thank you cards to write tonight. Whew!

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