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The Prep & Landing Lounge 12-5-2016


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Happy Monday!


We all woke up late today! (Except my husband who promptly went off to work.)

I'm sure we needed it but it cuts into my Admin Monday morning!


Who's a little freaked out by how near Christmas is? Here: ME! My son reminded me yesterday it's only about 3 weeks away!

Eek! Time to get the presents prepped and sent! And the Christmas cards!


Who has a busy day ahead? Here: ME! Phone calls to make in regards to the accident, schooling, a chiro appt, and a Christmas party. And possibly some grocery shopping and a stop at Goodwill.


Anyone still have yet to put up their Christmas tree? Here: we finally put ours up last night!


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Morning all! I've been up for a couple hours working on stuff and taking break now for yummy fried apples. Tried a new paleo sloppy joe recipe last night and it was a HUGE hit. 


Yup, add me to the freaked out list as well. Not really prepped at all for the holiday this year, but I have faith it will work out. Don't do Christmas cards here so none of that. I don't wrap until Christmas eve normally, but I'm thinking I might go ahead and try to wrap my gifts in the week before the holiday. 


Very busy day ahead here as well. Meeting some people to sell things on Offerup, working cleaning, listing more items on Offerup, and probably working on the new chicken coop. Supposed to get down to 31 later this week so it needs to be done before then!


DD made me put up the tree on Thanksgiving. She wanted earlier but I declined :)

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So I managed to get some lessons prepped, possibly get kids going on schoolwork, made an appointment with the accident attorney,

went to Goodwill. Then a friend called to see if she could stop by to pick something up. Thankfully, I wasn't too far away as kids weren't answering

their phones. Hmm. Still need to go to grocery store, Michael's, and possibly one other store (to get earbuds for the family).  Oh, and the chiro appt and 

Christmas party tonight! Whew!

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You know, last year I figured I'd be on the ball this year and signed up for an Organized Christmas daily email.  It was great - one task a day to keep me on track.


I learned my one task - deleting the emails. :lol:


I got the short straw this weekend in the cough and fever passing game.  Laid on the couch for two days instead of all the things I'd planned.  So today I've spent the day playing catch up: cleaning, ordering presents, planning school for the week.  In the meantime my 6yo decided to school himself and took reading and science in a different direction than we'd been going, so...here I am playing catch up with him.



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Nope, Christmas is still weeks away.


Nope, it's 11:27pm and busy day is over. Today was Sinterklaas, and I hadn't gotten around to buying enough presents yet, so I spent the afternoon shopping with my dad (luckily most stores wrap gifts), and then this evening we had pakjesavond (present night). And this morning I did some groceries and then had the kids do some Rosetta Stone and oldest some geography. After we got back to the camper this evening we turned on the heaters, and realized after a little while the gas bottle had run out so I held up the lid of the area the gas bottle goes in and the flash light while my wife hooked up a different gas can. It's 23F.  Brrrr. It's finally beginning to warm up inside (once it's warm it tends to be fine - we turn off the gas heater at night and only leave on the electric heater and it stays fine).


Yep, tree isn't allowed to go up until after Sinterklaas. I sort of tried to talk my mom into putting up the tree tomorrow, which would be a record in early putting up of tree for my mom. We'll see, but I doubt we'll actually put up the tree tomorrow. And of course the tree at my house won't be set up while I'm in NL. Not sure if I'm going to bother this year. I probably should, since I bought a couple of ornaments (a Roman soldier and a Viking ship) at Museum Dorestad a couple of weeks ago.

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