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Dual Enrollment 4 credit class on High School Transcript

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I'm working on my teens transcript. I have a question about weighted GPA. I got my information from BigStateU website on calculating weighted GPA.  


It says a regular class (Health) is 1 credit and an Honors (English) is given an extra .5.  Then AP and Dual enrollment get an extra 1.0  on a 4 point scale.


However, it doesn't say what to do with a 4 credit dual enrollment class?  CHM113 Chemistry I is a 4 credit class at the CC


Health                                  A  4.0       4.0 x 1=4.0

Honors English 11               A 4.0         4.5 x 1=4.5

MTH152 College Algebra    A  4.0         5.0 x 1=5.0


Thanks for the help! I swear this transcript thing is gonna be the death of me!


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I treated all DE courses as a single credit on their high school transcripts, even a physics course with lab that the university counted as 5 credits.  


College transcripts incorporate hours in their GPA calculations.  So say a student made a B in a 3 credit course and an A in a 4 cr course.  That would be 3x3+4x4=25/7 

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It's a good question. This year my daughter will have some three-hour college classes which easily translate into one high school credit, but also two language classes which are three-hour but have a required separate one-hour lab class attached (lab has a different course number and will be reported separately on the college transcript), and a required one-hour transfer success class. Next year, it looks like the geology class will wrap the lab into the class and be four credits rather than listing the lab separately. So:

ASL 111  Intro ASL I                      3 credit hours (3 contact hours)

ASL 181  ASL lab 1                      1 credit hour  (2 contact hours)

ENG 111 Writing and Inquiry       3 credit hours (3 contact hours)

GEL  111 Intro to Geology           4 credit hours (5 contact hours, description has two hours a week in lab, two hours a week in class plus online)

ACA 122  Transfer Success        1 credit hour (2 contact hours)


So currently, I'm counting these as 

ASL 111    1 high school credit

ASL 181    .25 high school credit  (I keep debating on whether it should be a quarter or a half credit)

ENG 111    1 high school credit

ACA 122   .25 high school credit (same debate)

GEL 111    not sure---1.25? 1.5? separate it out on the high school transcript as 1 for class, .25 or .5 for lab, but then it won't match the college transcript?


I do give an extra point to all of these, the question is how many credit hours to count. I do give an extra point to all of them.


It is definitely maddening!

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I gave my teen's 4 and 5 credit CC math and science classes and 4 credit university math class one high school credit each.

ETA: I did not weight grades but I would have followed the same weight scale as AP classes if I had (5 points for A, 4 points for B, etc.).

Edited by quark
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I gave one high school credit for science courses that were 4 college credits.  The only courses that I did not give one credit for high school was I gave a .5 credit each year for PE. 


I did not calculate a weighted GPA.  DS did concurrent enrollment.  Although he did not take any AP exams, he took what would be considered "honors" high school courses, often using college textbooks.  I did not want to get into justifying which courses were "honors" and deserved heavier weight.  I noted on his transcript which courses were concurrent enrollment and then in the counselor's letter explained that it was an unweighted GPA with many non-concurrent enrollment courses would be honors courses. 

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I'd make it simple and count any 3-5 credit college course as one credit high school course. (In real life high school, different 1 credit course take different amounts of time). I did not weight any of my grades - just listed as AP or DE on the transcript. I actually emailed the college we were most interested in and asked if I should weight my grades. They said "NO". They said the weighted grades and honors designations are most helpful in differentiating students within a single school.

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