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The Teachers Lounge 11-16-2015


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Good morning! The Lounge is now OPEN!


think both halves of my brain might be fully functional today. Yesterday, not so much! (tripped over words, reversed words, etc. It wasn't pretty.)  :001_rolleyes: 


TODAY is a NEW Day!


What's on your schedule today? Here: schooling and one meeting. Normally I have two writers group meetings on the third Wednesday of every month but schooling has been SO interrupted recently, and tech week (dress rehearsal week) is NEXT week, I need to get schooling in where we can!


Are your kids involved in any sports? Here: ours are in tae kwon do. Last night they had a special class (taught by the owner) that was an hour and a half long! I fully expect and hope BOTH the 18yo and 12yo sleep until 9am!


What book did you last read or what are you currently reading? Here: I've been perusing through some books about medicinal herbs and how to make my own herbal concoctions. As I was watching Netflix before falling asleep last night, I realized I need to get back to reading before bed instead.


Talk to me! :bigear:

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12 views and no replies today. It's okay to say, "Hi!"  :001_smile: 


My husband is still job hunting. This has been the longest unemployed stint he's had.

I know it's wearing on him AND it's thrown off our schooling schedule quite a bit. Wondering how to 

work this new transition (or not so new since it's been exactly ONE MONTH TODAY).


Okay, now to go figure out schooling for today!

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Hi ya Scrap!


I'm not really here since I am still hoping to get one more hour of sleep now that I'm done with the morning college run.


I hope that your husband finds work soon.


Sports -


Ds- taekwando


Dd - Spartan obstacle racing, half marathons, cross fit.


Book - I'm reading through the Harry Bosch mystery series



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Hola! Finally made it to the lounge while it's still open - yay!


Today's schedule includes school for dd, work for me {online} and a LOT of laundry. Tackling Mount Washmore as it's gotten way out of hand lately. Did a whole house clean and there was laundry hidden all over it seems, plus washing all our winter stuff from storage AND a ton of new stuff that all needs tried on. 


Sports - DD wants to do martial arts, but I haven't been able to afford it yet. Looking into an option for the spring that is once a week for 10 weeks for $60. 


Book - actual print book? Umm - the 50 shades series I think. I don't get much time to read anymore


ETA: Oh and starting next month dd & I both will be attempting to teach ourselves powwow dancing from youtube videos :) DD has been asking to learn for years but I couldn't find anyone to teach her. 

Edited by frugalmamatx
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For deals on karate or other martial arts, check out Groupon!


And congrats, frugalmama, on making it into the Lounge while it's still open!


Jean, hope you got your extra sleep!


We have actually managed to get through Latin and math today. The kids were giggling

as the were comparing some Latin words to those used in the Harry Potter series. We also

came across "tardare" which means "to delay" so then we talked about how the Doctor is semper tardat (always late). B-)

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Good afternoon!

Today we had outside lessons and the park on the way home.  It's a nice treat for the boys, both of whom have just worked hard (the 6yo at lessons, the 3yo with puzzles and games while we wait), and we try to do it every week.  However, not so nice a treat for me - there's usually a mommy group there with full on Sanctimommy tendencies - hovering over their 3-4yos while they play, remarking how Lunchables are terrible for children and won't little Josie have an organic apple instead.....while my two are enjoying their rare treat of a $1.99 box from the supermarket on the way there.  And don't even get me started on the horrible advice I get when I whip out the bottle of formula for the 4mo I babysit.  Bah.  Today was nice, though!  The sanctimommies were nowhere to be seen, but a lonely little 6yo girl was there visiting her grandmother.  The three kids ran like crazy, grandma was pleasant and so over the micromanaged parenting thing, and I now have a very quiet house with a 6yo reading, and 3yo & 4mo napping happily.


I have a kid in sports.  I was going to say no, but I can't anymore. :D  My oldest manages the basketball team for his school, so I guess that is "in sports". :lol:


Currently reading?  For me, Harry Potter and The Cursed Child.  For a read-aloud, the Jungle Books.  And listening to Atlas Shrugged because I've never made it through.




We have actually managed to get through Latin and math today. The kids were giggling

as the were comparing some Latin words to those used in the Harry Potter series. We also

came across "tardare" which means "to delay" so then we talked about how the Doctor is semper tardat (always late). B-)


We'll be doing similar in January when we get to Ancient Rome!

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HomeAgain, I've never heard the word "santimommy" before. That's hilarious! Although I'm sure it's NOT hilarious when you're the 

brunt of whatever judgement they throw your way that day. People need to get over themselves, seriously. 


I've managed to take dd18 to bank so she could deposit money in her account. Now, I think I shall take a short nap before we resume school.

(Heads over to recliner in darkened corner. . . pay no attention to the mom crashed out under a light blanket . . . )

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Good Afternoon!


Done with school and headed to piano and church momentarily

No sports here right now for my kids. Scouts, lots of dog walking and general playing outside instead. Ds will likely play basketball this winter. 

I am reading If All the Swords in England for kids' history, Lies My Teacher Told Me, and Watership Down






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