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Stomach bug day 8--help for sick toddler


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We have had a stomach bug go through the family this past week, most of us were over it in just a few days but my 20 month old has been sick with vomitting/diarrhea for 8 days now. The vomiting is down to only about once a day, the very watery, whitish diarrhea is concerning to me.


We've been to the Dr., they are not worried about her. She's active during the day and not showing signs of dehydration. I'd just like to know if there is anything I can do to help her poor GI system heal more quickly.

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Oh no, poor little one.  :grouphug:


I seem to remember liver/bile issues being associated with white stools.  Does your pediatrician have a call/ask a nurse type service? If so, I'd call regarding the color, unless you already brought it up.


I would think the yogurt, bone broth soups, etc. would all be healing.   Popsicles and homemade slushies were always a good way for us to get fluids in for kids who were vomiting.   For some reason, my kids always loved grape juice slushies. (I just put grape juice into the freezer until partly frozen...maybe 30-40 minutes? If i waited too long, I'd blend it up in a mini food processor and let them have spoonfuls of the shredded ice.)

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If it is whitish and watery, like cholera diarrhea, keeping her hydrated and her electrolytes in balance is key. If she will drink milk and eat popsicles and jello that's great, but keep an eye out for slack skin tone or sunken looking eyes, as she may benefit from an IV as well.

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It could be the milk. After a bad stomach flu, you can develop an intolerance to lactose. Try Lactaid if he won't drink any other fluids. Other non-dairy sources of fluids will be gentler on his GI system. It can also exacerbate the diarrhea and cause uncomfortable cramps, which might look like a continuation of the flu but is really him getting sick from the lactose.

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When did you see the doctor last? I would want to see a doctor again today honestly if it has been a few days or if the doctor does not know about the whitish stools since that alone warrants a doctor visit asap.


I would ask about the possibility of lactose intolerance too. I developed that after food poisoning. Is there a lactose free milk substitute or similac toddler drink or ensure like drink for toddlers that is lactose free you could give? I would still want to talk to doctor asap.

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When did you see the doctor last? I would want to see a doctor again today honestly if it has been a few days or if the doctor does not know about the whitish stools since that alone warrants a doctor visit asap.


I would ask about the possibility of lactose intolerance too. I developed that after food poisoning. Is there a lactose free milk substitute or similac toddler drink or ensure like drink for toddlers that is lactose free you could give? I would still want to talk to doctor asap.


I can try going lactose free, that is something that hadn't occurred to me. I would have to cut out breast milk though wouldn't I?


We saw the dr. last Monday and then again on Friday. Her main concern was to watch for signs of dehydration.

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I can try going lactose free, that is something that hadn't occurred to me. I would have to cut out breast milk though wouldn't I?


We saw the dr. last Monday and then again on Friday. Her main concern was to watch for signs of dehydration.

I am not sure if I would cut breast milk without talking to a docyor who you really need advice from. I was just suggesting cow's milk but again I would want to talk to a doctor for advice on this.

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