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Veritas Press Self Paced History not working for 2 kids


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This is our 2nd year in VPSPH. We did Old Testament/Ancient Egypt last year and are on New Testament/Rome this year. Last year all three kids liked it and did well. They did well on the tests and seemed to retain the info pretty well.


This year (4th grade) the girls are not enjoying it as much. The actors turned us all off toward the beginning with their bickering, but that seems to have stopped so that's good. I'm not sure if it's just not as interesting or what, but they are not retaining the info. They don't do well on the tests. I would have thought that bringing it to life would be way more interesting than just reading a text and that it would be easier to remember, but maybe there's too much "fluff?" Or this just came to me - I wonder if it was easier last year because there were so many Bible stories that they already knew...


My son still likes it and is doing well.


Anyone else have this problem?


And help me think of a different history curriculum that we might go to next year if things keep going downhill with this one. In first grade we did MFW and so history was all about the Old Testament. Second grade MFW was US history. Third grade was Old Testament again (like I said... VPSPH), and now fourth grade is New Testament/Rome.


Personally I am ready go get to something new (to us)! If we continued VP we would do Middle Ages, Renaissance, and Reformation. I started VP because I like the idea of going chronologically.  But what curriculum could we jump into and continue on like this?


Then I also wonder if I'm stressing too much. This is the only subject that gets graded by someone other than me. The program calculates their grades and I see them just getting lower and lower. I don't really stress about final grades with other subjects because we work on things till they get it. Like with math, I grade their work but we also do corrections right then and there and I make sure they understand. With grammar, there are really no tests... same with writing. I just see them remembering more and improving. 


So should I stress about a history grade? Or should we just keep plugging along, knowing that they remember what they remember... and they do remember SOME. I don't remember a ton of history either... not that I'm happy about that... it's just not my thing.


ETA: looking at their test results, it's mostly the dates that they mess up on. It's multiple choice and they often miss the exact date. I guess they do remember a lot of the actual story.


Edited by lgliser
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My kids have to study for the tests. I got stressed about it at first as well. Mostly I think because we don't test with grades in any other subject. Now, I have them read over the card for the week several times on their own, review all previous cards, and then come to me and I review with them for just a couple of minutes. They usually get in the 90's or 100's now.


There are other chronological histories if you just want a change, of course. You can use VP parent directed, MFW, Biblioplan, SOTW, TOG, Wayfarers, to name a few.

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This is the third year of VPSPH for my oldest two and they do well with it (though near the end when there are lots of dates they tend to miss them, but I decided I am ok with that.) But, my youngest did OTAE last year and it went well but this year, not so much (poor grades and poor retention; he jumped to 1815 -present to match his siblings.). Anyway it became clear he would do better with a different approach so he and I are now doing SOTW with the activity guide. I already owned volume 1 so we are moving quickly through the beginning which mirrors to some degree OTAE. (Chapter 15 out of 42 of SOTW roughly corresponds to the beginning of NTGR.) So far I am very happy with the switch for him.

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My kids have to study for the tests. I got stressed about it at first as well. Mostly I think because we don't test with grades in any other subject. Now, I have them read over the card for the week several times on their own, review all previous cards, and then come to me and I review with them for just a couple of minutes. They usually get in the 90's or 100's now.

Right! We don't test with grades in anything else either. I'll have them review the card through the week - good idea.



Each level ramps up in expectation. DS loved the level but we needed to put more effort into learning the material. We created time lines and reviewed the cards and did some fun projects that helped gel it all together. It worked better for us that way and was a fun family thing.

Making a time line is a great idea!



This is the third year of VPSPH for my oldest two and they do well with it (though near the end when there are lots of dates they tend to miss them, but I decided I am ok with that.) But, my youngest did OTAE last year and it went well but this year, not so much (poor grades and poor retention; he jumped to 1815 -present to match his siblings.). Anyway it became clear he would do better with a different approach so he and I are now doing SOTW with the activity guide. I already owned volume 1 so we are moving quickly through the beginning which mirrors to some degree OTAE. (Chapter 15 out of 42 of SOTW roughly corresponds to the beginning of NTGR.) So far I am very happy with the switch for him.

Yes - the dates are the worst!

Is SOTW really teacher intensive? I feel like it probably is... and VPSPH is so not!  LOL I kind of like that :)


Thanks for all of the replies!

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Give them a spiral notebook to write their notes and let them take the tests open notes. Problem solved.


My dd did take notes.  She didn't use them on the tests, but she didn't need to.  I would NEVER give a rip, not a flying fig, about what the test scores are. It might be they just really don't like the way VP focuses on facts and narrative.  I'm not doing it with my ds, and you know i'm a pretty big advocate of VP.  (Actually, I own the FB group ;)  ) With it's heavy focus on language, fact, and drilling, it just so is not the right fit for my ds.  And I'm a REALIST and realistic enough to accept that.


What you could do is allow them to work collaboratively.  Or do the tests open note.  They probably need to learn to take notes anyway, yes?  How old are they?  Or accelerate.  Are you doing any activities to get them engaged?  The courses actually improve radically over the series, because their tech and skills improved.  I don't recall NTGR being a favorite for my dd.  I think you could decide to accelerate or otherwise make it work, and then decide on MARR vs. SOTW2 vs. CLP's middle ages text for yourself.  VP's MARR is pretty balanced as far as topics.  SOTW is more romantic.  It's just a choice.


I would up your inclusion of whatever components they really LIKE.  Are you getting enough historical fiction?  Have they done the Roman Ransom series yet?  Wow, it has been a long time and the names slip my mind!  Have you done crafts from the Spend the Day in Ancient Rome book?  Have you offered to do an ugghy lesson with them and have them be the supervisor if they get a lesson perfect?  Like just spice it up, kwim? I didn't have to do those things with my dd, but I wouldn't hesitate to, kwim?  


PS.  I wasn't joking on accelerate.  My dd did some of the courses in a month.  It actually can be done.  Tell them they're free to move on to SOTW2 after Christmas.  All they have to do is finish up their VP NTGR by then.  Even offer to pay them $30 or something that is pretty big in the kid world.

Edited by OhElizabeth
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I would NEVER give a rip, not a flying fig, about what the test scores are.

:lol: Love it! I'm glad to hear people say that, because I want to feel the same way but it feels wrong!



What you could do is allow them to work collaboratively.  Or do the tests open note.  They probably need to learn to take notes anyway, yes?  How old are they?

Great ideas. They'd love to work together. And I love the idea of note taking. They just turned 10 so I think it's a wonderful idea to have them do that.



 The courses actually improve radically over the series, because their tech and skills improved.




I would up your inclusion of whatever components they really LIKE.  Are you getting enough historical fiction?  Have they done the Roman Ransom series yet?  Wow, it has been a long time and the names slip my mind!  Have you done crafts from the Spend the Day in Ancient Rome book?  Have you offered to do an ugghy lesson with them and have them be the supervisor if they get a lesson perfect?  Like just spice it up, kwim? I didn't have to do those things with my dd, but I wouldn't hesitate to, kwim?

I just ordered the Roman Ransom series. I always have the best intentions to read more historical fiction with them... We usually do the activities that VP has at the end of some lessons!



I wasn't joking on accelerate.  My dd did some of the courses in a month.  It actually can be done.  Tell them they're free to move on to SOTW2 after Christmas.  All they have to do is finish up their VP NTGR by then.  Even offer to pay them $30 or something that is pretty big in the kid world.

OMG they would jump on that... especially if I offered to pay them!


Thank you for all of the suggestions!

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