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Saving on groceries...

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I just wanted to make sure everyone knows about the site http://www.mygrocerydeals.com . You register on the site then add the stores in your area you want deals for. They pull up all the deals in categories (ie cookies, crackers, meat, produce, etc...) you click on what you want to add to your list, it makes a neat little list for you to know how much everything is. Then you take your list with all the competitors prices on it to Wal- Mart and they match the prices. I have been doing this for a while, but it just came to me that maybe not everyone knows about this. I saved about $30 on produce alone tonight. Hope this helps someone stretch their grocery budget.:001_smile::001_smile:

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Well, I checked it out -- and it doesn't look like it wouldn't save me money. I looked through half of the pages that came up for my area (I put 50 items on a page) and there wasn't ONE thing that I would buy. Not just because we don't use 95% of what came up, but because the prices aren't all that great. I have found (at least here where I live) that just because something is on sale doesn't mean it's a good price. For example, I saw Nabisco Saltines on "sale" for $3.29/box! The *most* I'll pay for boxes of this brand of Saltines is $1.50-$2.00 because I know from experience they'll go on sale in this range every few weeks. I also saw the 10 oz canned chicken on "sale" for $3.29 ... I just paid $1.99/can last week at a local store.


I figure I'll NOT buy "sale" items like this and have more money freed up for stocking up on good, wholesome basics.


I'm not trying to be negative and maybe I'm missing how you save gobs of money using this site! Please let me know if I am (it wouldn't be the first time I didn't get something!). But the way I see and understand it, I save more money by knowing what a good price is for something, watching for those to come around, and stocking up when they do.

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Yes, you do still have to watch prices because not all sales are really sales. That said, I like having all the sales that are going on in one place. I check to make sure they are a good deal. Tonight I managed to get oranges 10 for $1- regular size too, pineapple 2 for $5, Cantaloupe $.99, pears and peaches were $.69lb. So yes, compared to the price these things normally are I made good deals and saved a ton of money. Not everything on there is a good deal, just like sales papers are not always a good deal. No, I do not think Wal mart sponsors the site, just someone who compiled all the ad's into one place. :001_smile:

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But won't you know when they do if you use this site?


Yes, you're right with the info. given -- what I forgot to mention was that we have two stores in town not represented on that site, so for *me* it's easier to just get all the ads on my lap and go through them quickly once a week.

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Guest MGD Cyndi

Hi All:


It sounds like you are all enjoying MyGroceryDeals.com. That is great! I work for them and saw the posts. I just wanted to mention that we are not sponsored by Wal*Mart or any other retailer for that matter. We are completely independent. We do have many members that use our site as a reference tool for price matching, but, NOT ALL Wal*Marts will accept our list for matching. So, if you are not sure, I would suggest that you take your paper ads with you too. At least our site will help you find out which ads and which products to look for!


Happy deal hunting and please visit us soon again!


MGD Cyndi

Edited by MGD Cyndi
Improve my grammar!
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