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Do you "teach" CLE LA and math?


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I always heard it was so independent, but I find myself still trying to "teach" it although I really don't want to. I like touching base with them and running through the review questions. Do you all do that? And then there's the correcting anything they missed from the previous lesson.


OR-do you just send them off to do the lesson and go from there?


I mean, those little pink boxes couldn't be any clearer right? They should be able to teach themselves from it I would think. Isn't that the point? Yes, trying to get my older boys more independent but maybe it's me holding them back.

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I only use CLE Math with my 1st and 2nd grader. I have to run through the lesson with my 1st (he's actually only 5) since he can't read, but my 2nd grader is on 207 and she does most lessons without any help from me. Occasionally she won't understand something and I'll help her go over it but I just tell her to get her book out and do the lesson and she doesn't have an issue. (She is a strong reader though, I can see my son needing more help at the same age.)



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I don't. I just go over the idea behind anything he missed, including if he missed it because just through carelessness or whatever.


So even if I'm aware that he knows it, if he missed it, I teach it.


But! I absolutely would teach it if he was not self-teaching. Which sounds like your case.


If they need more teaching, they just do. That's the gig.

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I always heard it was so independent, but I find myself still trying to "teach" it although I really don't want to. I like touching base with them and running through the review questions. Do you all do that? And then there's the correcting anything they missed from the previous lesson.


OR-do you just send them off to do the lesson and go from there?


I mean, those little pink boxes couldn't be any clearer right? They should be able to teach themselves from it I would think. Isn't that the point? Yes, trying to get my older boys more independent but maybe it's me holding them back.


Yes, I teach it. We use CLE for Math and LA for twin 4th graders and a 6th grader. There are times when my oldest will say, "I can do this entire Math lesson by myself," but I don't expect my 4th graders to do that too often.


They generally get started with the flash cards, speed drill, and the We Remember sections, turn in their workbooks, then move on to other independent work. When it's their turn for 4th Grade Tutor Time, I first work side-by-side with them to go over (and correct) whatever they already did, we check the speed drill, I may or may not check them on their math facts (LOL), and then we work on the "new material." Then the lesson is complete. We skip all the quizzes (5s and 10s). We also skip the 401 math book (review).


When my 6th grader is done with her lesson, she works with me to make any corrections (if any), work through the new material and complete that section, and answer any questions. Then the lesson is complete. We skip all the quizzes (5s and 10s). We also skip the 601 math book (review).


For the LA, we first cross out the Penmanship and anything else we don't intend to do. We work through each lesson's new material, then they are free to complete the We Remember section. When they are done they put their workbooks in my "Please Correct Me" bin. After I mark corrections, the student works through those (with or without my help), until it's all correctly done. So there is a lot of back and forth, some independence, and some explicit teaching on my part. I think it works out well. We're new to CLE for LA this year, so we're also doing the Extra Diagramming and Extra Practice workbooks, as needed.


We use CLE for Bible, too, and we do that together as a group. HTH.

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I teach the new material to my 2nd and 4th grade boys and then turn them loose to do the rest of the lesson. Only takes a few min for each child, and I want to make sure they understand it first. This is for both math and LA



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Edited by Wholesomemomma
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My kids are quite a bit older than yours. In math, I teach one child the new material. We complete the problems over that material together, and I let him do the rest/review material himself.


With both kids, I sit with them to go over any incorrect problems. I also preview the next day's lesson with the more independent child--providing further instruction or explanation if needed or just checking to see he truly understands the conceptual basis of the new material.


My more independent child is the only one doing CLE LA. Last year (6th/CLE LA 5) I taught the new content to him. Now we preview the new content for the next day when we go over completed work. This year there hasn't seemed to be as much need for instruction for me. I'm mainly just checking for understanding before he starts with the material.





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This is all very interesting, thank you. I have a small block of time reserved for each of my older kids, so I think introducing the new material and checking to make sure they get it is worth the time.


So nobody does the review questions? I kind of like hearing their answers but realize they get that in the "we remember" sections too, so maybe it's overkill?

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I just use LA for my 3rd grade DD.  She generally reads the pink box out loud to me.  We clear up anything she may not understand and I am close by while she does her lesson.  For instance, the first lightunit she had a REALLY hard time with "underline noun once, verb 2 times and circle describing words".  I had to finally help her with a strategy to do a three part problem like that and now she gets it.  For some reason it was just overwhelming her.  Generally she does most of it on her own.  I've never opened the TM.  Is that bad?  ;-) 

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This is all very interesting, thank you. I have a small block of time reserved for each of my older kids, so I think introducing the new material and checking to make sure they get it is worth the time.


So nobody does the review questions? I kind of like hearing their answers but realize they get that in the "we remember" sections too, so maybe it's overkill?


I have always taught CLE.  And I always did the review questions at the lower levels.  I feel like it was important for checking their understanding of the material, and also for solidifying it.

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This is all very interesting, thank you. I have a small block of time reserved for each of my older kids, so I think introducing the new material and checking to make sure they get it is worth the time.


So nobody does the review questions? I kind of like hearing their answers but realize they get that in the "we remember" sections too, so maybe it's overkill?


My kids do all the questions. I just "teach" the new material. They do the rest independently.


When they finish working independently, I check their answers. Then we sit together to go over any questions that were missed. Actually, I go over the missed questions from their independent work and then we, together, preview the new material for the next day's lesson. This is when I add teaching, if needed.


None of this takes much time for me because CLE is structured with small bites of new material in each lesson.

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My daughter did CLE Math in 5th grade as a home supplement. At the beginning I would read the explanation with her to make sure she understood, but soon she said she preferred doing it herself. At that point, I let go and only explained when needed.

Edited by Mabelen
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