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Natural help for asthma and allergies


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I've realized that my allergies are creating more chronic asthma issues. Last Spring I had several asthma attacks triggered by environmental allergies and needed my rescue inhaler multiple times. I realize there ideal is to have more daily medications in the mix but am not ready for several reasons to go that route (mostly $).


What natural assistance, remedies, diet changes etc could help?

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I've been having acupuncture for the past 13 or so years for my chronic allergies.  That doesn't really help with the $ issue unless you have insurance that will cover it, but I went from taking sinus meds almost daily to none since I started the acupuncture...Vitamin C is a natural antihistimine, and local honey can often help build up some immunity to your local allergens.

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You might google cross reactors for allergies. You can pull up a list of foods that theoretically make your environmental allergies even worse during certain time of the year. My allergist gave me one when I started the allergy drops last year but I can't seem to find it or I would post it for you. 

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Almost all of my seasonal and environmental allergies went away when I identified and eliminated my latent food allergies/sensitivities (for me, gluten, dairy, and peanuts, in descending order of importance). I went from daily taking 6 different medications for allergies and asthma to taking the occasional Claritin for a high pollen once or twice a YEAR. I used an elimination diet to find my food challenges (I was nursing a baby who was reacting severely to unknown things at that point, so I cut the gluten and dairy out and didn't look back. I found the peanuts later.) For what it's worth, cutting foods out for 4 weeks minimum would be the goal because dairy in particular takes a long while to completely leave your body.

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Naselcrom.  It's a spray that basically makes the inside of your nose less likely to accept the implantation of allergens.  My allergist recommended it and it's a physical barrier more so than a drug.


Also, get the old Sudafed, the kind you have to ask for from behind the counter, and use it during the day.


Also, allegra, OTC, the 12 hour kind, works great for me for most seasonal allergies and doesn't cause drowsiness.

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Interesting food allergy suggestions....I have celiac & wheat allergy but that's I know beyond a host of environmental allergens (dust mites, mold, pine, pollen, weeds etc)


Just a few weeks back I was going to pay for an online lab where you send off blood to be etested for allergens.... I've suspected a few items (milk, peanuts) and that feels like money better spent than on a specialists appointment fee and subsequent meds- all to manage symtoms

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I'm taking Allegra, Flonase and Benadryl as needed- using REDD sinus remedy (vitamin c, bromelian, quercitin, nac etc. https://reddremedies.com/product/adult-sinus-support/


Have given up on Neto pot rinses but do use saline spray and head to a local salt spa when I can....


Very frustrated in symptom control but agree that food allergy testing may be the foundational key!

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