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Little frustration over public school


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I know, I know, if I really did not like it, I would not send him. But frankly, I am not a good teacher to small children. I feel like I have no clue what to do with them. I think I lack the energy needed. 


But here goes....son has a wonderful teacher. The school has a wonderful staff. His birthday is right on the cut off. He is in 1st grade. So he is about to turn 7 yrs old. He started kinder knowing so little. He could not even write. But once he got going, he just sped ahead. Now he can read..decode anyway, just about anything. His reading "fluency" is not high, not in my opinion anyway. I am not basing this on any testing. I am just assuming. Today, we went to the doctor and he read her sign that said "cervical cancer." She was impressed. And he told her how he hates school. He admits he likes his teachers and all. She actually told me she would think if he does not like it, it is because he is bored. At school, they are working on writing numbers. But he is already adding and subtracting. He loves science. 


Should I be concerned? Again, no interest in home schooling him at this point. Any suggestions to what I can do to help him? Prior to this appointment, his teacher said she is recommending him to test for the GT program. 

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Wait?  It's 1st grade and they're only working on writing numbers?  


I bet he IS bored.  But if the school year is just beginning and they are in review mode still...that's probably to be expected.  It'll ramp up soon enough and I, personally, wouldn't worry too much.  


This.  Give it at least a month.  The schools are often spending their first month here with review and assessments before diving into the new stuff.  I would ask what would be covered this year (if it's not on their website) and how they differentiate instruction.

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Let him test for the GT program since his teacher recommend it.


Adding and subtracting is done up to 20 (10+10) in K here. So maybe his teacher feel he would be bored.


My oldest had a fun time in public school 1st grade. His teacher lets him read at whatever level he like and he doodles during math. His teacher removed the restriction on level of books he can borrow from the school library so he could read all the way to 8th grade level or higher story books if he want.

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Yeah, it used to annoy me that they start with review every year.  Now that I have a forgetful kid, I'm glad they do that.  :P  I would give it a few weeks before you worry about boredom.  But yes, I'd proceed with the GT testing.

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