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Do I need the student books for MUS?


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Good to know. Thanks. Too bad because the workbooks are like $40! (even used on ebay, they're pretty steep). I had read some forums that said they were $15 so was a bit shocked to find them so expensive. We're switching curriculum after an un-successful year with Math Mammoth last year and I was hoping to take DS through Gamma because his multi-digit multiplication is shaky, but I know we'll zoom through it relatively quickly and then start with Delta, where we'll slow down on the new material. That means a lot of money on workbook for one year. Sigh. Any ideas on where I might find them used ... even written on might be worth it at this point if they're cheap enough (I'm willing to even get a written in book and just copy the actual problems (would that be crazy)?). I checked ebay and homeschoolclassifieds, but it's hard to find just the workbook.  Not sure how to go about it, $40 per workbook is going to kick my butt. Suggestions?

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No suggestions , but the workbooks are really worth it, in my opinion. All three of my oldest used gamma and delta. They are worth their weight in gold at my house. My second oldest is starting with zeta this next year, and my third will supplement with epsilon to help nail down his fractions.

Keep looking on eBay if you truly can't afford it. You almost have to look every day, a few times a day, to catch the deals.

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Yea, agreeing with peaceful isle.


You gave to have the workbooks. They really won't retain just watching the videos without taking it to paore in the workbooks.


I know it's expensive. There very thick books tho.


Once you get them I think you'll see why they cost so much.


There's alot of meat in there. Plus enrichment activities.

Lots of practice .


I was thinking about what was said about buying g the books that would be written in, that would be alot of work for mama to erase the answers and where another child had worked out the problem ...like..alot of work.


I'm just trying to save you much trouble and money.

BC if you buy them written in...I think you'll get really frustrated and wind up buying new anyway lol

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Leftyplayer -- are you able to think of it more as a long-term investment and you get some of your money back at the end of the year when you resell to someone else?




I know this is a grey area with copyright, but we write the problems on graph paper or use page protectors with dry erase markers...or for the lower levels, we sometimes just go through the problems orally.    


Yes -- that allows you to re-sell each MUS level as a complete unused set. So while you do have the initial higher outlay of money, you can recover more of it at the end of the year by reselling the program as a complete package...



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