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Suggestions wanted - for driving kids around town in the summer


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Are there any reasonable commercial options for getting kids from point A to point B at random times of the day?


I have my kids signed up for some great summer camps.  Most are full-day or full-week (sleep-away), but some of the weeks they have odd schedules which require me to take time off during business hours (for driving), which my boss doesn't like.  It's pretty stressful.


A couple years ago, I found a college student who was willing to drive my then-7yos between half-day camps and such.  Last year I worked it out some other way, partly by hiring my kids' ex-nanny and my sister, both of whom are now otherwise employed.


In August, the kids have two weeks where they will be in 2 different camps (morning & afternoon) plus evening activities.  What are my realistic options?  Is Uber something you would use for this?  I looked up some rates and it seems a short trip may be worth it.  Is there anything else out there?


If a taxi is cheaper, would this be a realistic option?

Edited by SKL
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Call your local taxi companies and ask what services they offer.  Where I live there are a LOT of parents without licenses and/or cars that have contracts with our taxi companies.  You see them lined up after dance classes and at the ball fields.  They are pre-paid and set up to regularly pick up/drop off children at parent-specified locations/times.  Our taxis are small-businesses with only a handful of drivers so it is usually arranged that the same driver will do the same routes.  I set up a similar arrangement for myself to get to and from work for a year when we only had one car.  Not only did I never have to worry about calling (he just showed up on time every week) but I also got a discounted "bulk" rate by pre-paying.  I did tip with cash but I assume that you could tip in bulk if you have the same driver.

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Will the camp release the kids to an Uber driver?  When our kids were that young most camps would only release the kids to a parent or other designated pick up person.  


I'd probably try to find an older teen or maybe a homeschool mom and pay them to do this duty.  Sure, it might cost more than calling Uber or a cab but you can give the schedule to one person and then let them handle it vs. remembering to arrange transportation every time. 


Is there anyone at the camp or evening activities who might be interested in you paying them to carpool your girls? That would be even better. We did that for theater- we connected parents whose kids needed rides with parents willing to drive. 

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If I couldn't find a driver, I probably would use Uber. Or, really, more likely Lyft, though I know it's not in every city. Lyft, it's Uber, but less smarmy. I know a lot of people who let their kids take services like Uber. Depends on the age a little though. I can't remember how old your girls are.


I've had it out with camps about releasing kids before. I wanted ds to take the subway to camp one summer and I had to go through a whole rigamarole with them about letting him leave (it was literally right outside the camp doors and he didn't have to do any line transfers. It was the whole reason we chose the camp!). But I was glad I got permission to have him sign himself out.



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You should also look at car services. Here they are price competitive with Uber/Taxis at a bit under $2/minute and you get better cars and can guarantee the same driver if you want. The one we use for the airport and such has a $30 minimum but I'm not sure if that is a negotiable contract issue or a hard regulatory limit.


ETA: They have complex pricing like taxis and ubers... just all three come out to ~$2/min in most cases so I just think of it that way for simplicity.

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