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Palin Newsweek Cover Controversy

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really. not typical but not that unusual either:







and again, I think Palin looks terrific! i have the magazine on my kitchen counter. i don't like her politics but she looks great to me!



Sorry, Deidre, but those three covers don't nearly compare to this week's issue. The only exception may be the one of the baby, but that's a baby! I agree, there's clearly an adgenda here.

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I see no facial hair at all. And how is the light unflattering? Great catchlights, IMO. You would have to photoshop it to get her side of the mouth crease to be lessened, or the shadow. WHich is totally unneccessary, IMO, because she looks fine. Ditto the eye wrinkles- they *could* be smoothed in PS, but why? They look fine! SHE.LOOKS.FINE.


The side of the face, cocked head pose is cute, too.


I am not a fan of her politics at *all*, but this a beautiful picture.

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I see no facial hair at all. And how is the light unflattering? Great catchlights, IMO. You would have to photoshop it to get her side of the mouth crease to be lessened, or the shadow. WHich is totally unneccessary, IMO, because she looks fine. Ditto the eye wrinkles- they *could* be smoothed in PS, but why? They look fine! SHE.LOOKS.FINE.


The side of the face, cocked head pose is cute, too.


I am not a fan of her politics at *all*, but this a beautiful picture.

Have you seen it, other then here?


I haven't. But from what Bill says, and from what I've heard from others, seeing the actual magazine shows a lot more details.

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I just don't want young, attractive people running the country. I want old people, attractive or no. That's the comparison I was making--not pretty vs. non-pretty, but young and pretty vs. old and wrinkled.


Not having Palin's looks, I can only speculate as to the sorts of positions young, attractive women are asked to assume in some male-dominated environments. While my department is male-dominated, different rules apply than in, say, the Law School or Business School. Still, I occasionally have reason to be grateful for my rather nondescript appearance.

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Have you seen it, other then here?


I haven't. But from what Bill says, and from what I've heard from others, seeing the actual magazine shows a lot more details.


Good. It's a newsmagazien, not Vogue. And it's about time we got used to looking at women in the media who have "details".


I think maybe that's the point of the shot. In every other photo I've seen she's gorgeous. In this one, she's interesting. Kudos to Newsweek.

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Wow, this is such a weird thing! I don't like her either, but I LOVE that picture of her, and my first impression of it was the depth of the colors and the contrasting they focused on. I don't think it's an unflattering photo AT ALL--I think it's much nicer than most of the airbrushed and retouched shots I've ever seen. I think it has depth and reality, and I think she looks wonderful in it. I'm totally :confused:

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I have no problem with how they show her. I agree that retouching and altering photos to only show "beautiful people" sets unreasonable and unattainable ideals for people, especially young ones who's self-esteem isn't strong yet.


I'm just noting that the pic posted here may not be a fair reproduction of the magazine itself. Thats all.

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I'm just noting that the pic posted here may not be a fair reproduction of the magazine itself. Thats all.


It really isn't. And I think ones impression of the real-life cover will depend greatly on ones visual acuity.


If your vision is "sharp" this is a pretty harsh photo, if you are a little "soft" in your close up vision, you might wonder what's the big deal?


Many of you may own one of those magnifying mirrors, where you see every pore, every tweezed eye-brow hair growing in, every fine white hair growing out of your nose pores, the darker hairs on your upper lip, the line where you didn't rub the foundation in well enough, the crack in the make-up, the....


I think you get the picture.



Edited by Spy Car
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Seriously? I am so sick and tired of the media and their opinions. Remember the days when they just reported the news and didn't give their opinions on it? I miss those days!


I just hit the half-century mark, and have followed politics since I was a really young child (strange that way) and I don't remember such a time.


There are certainly more "blow-hards" now thanks to cable, talk-radio and the end of the "fairness-doctrine", but news has never been an opinion-free zone. And this is especially true in "print" journalism. Some of the things you'd find in old newspapers, TIME and NEWSWEEK I think you'd find surprising.



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