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Thoughts on this schedule of outside classes

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ETA: Thank you everyone who chimed in. We have decided to drop the history course on Monday, but leave the rest the same. If I am spent or find we need a day to catch up we can always skip the occasional Tuesday adventure club. I also feel like Wednesday won't be so bad since it is only a pickup for me, and usually done solo so the youngers will be home and not dragged around. And while Thursday seems long and boring for me and the littles I'm sure we'll survive with a little planning on my part. 


I am struggling with our outside classes next year and trying to decide if it is too much, or just right, or what - especially when it comes to my two youngers.


For background I have three kids, but only one who will be taking outside classes. My oldest will be going into 7th grade, 5-year-old into kindergarten, and I will have a 2-year-old. For the past 5-years my oldest took a 5-hour nature class once per week and one additional class of some kind. This left us with three days to move at our own pace which was perfect while my kids were babies and early toddlers.


This year I am looking to outsource my 7th graders education a bit. I am finding it hard to bring my a-game to the table at the moment and he is requesting a bit more meat to his school work. My biggest struggle to adding additional outside classes isn't the classes themselves but dragging my youngers to and from everything. Honestly, my 5-year-old is thrilled to be in the car and requests long car rides because he LOVES audiobooks! My toddler doesn't complain about the car ride, but I just feel bad strapping her down so much. She'll be 2 in October and we'll forward face her which will probably help a ton since I will be able to see her and actually communicate with her better. I also struggle having to cut her nap short, but she honestly goes to bed much easier at night with a shorter nap so it is probably for the better I suppose!


I looked and looked but couldn't find any options that would allow me to stack his classes into one day. This is my current lineup right now, in addition to how I am thinking to fill up the time with my youngers. I'd love thoughts and opinions and for people to tell me that my younger kids will be fine with all the driving and that my 2-year-old will survive on a shorter nap.


Monday: Nothing officially, but seriously considering a medieval history class per my 7th graders request - he has a friend who has taken a couple of the history classes by this instructor and the classes sound amazing - it would be in the afternoon from 2-3:30 - my thought is to drop him off, crank out the grocery shopping, pick him up - an errand we have to do every single week anyway.


Tuesday: We are part of an awesome adventure group that is an excellent fit for all three of my kids complete with book club meetings, science presentations, museum field trips, hikes, etc. The group of my dreams that we finally found this past spring and it has been amazing for all of us (even if it is the most stressful day of my week!).


Wednesday: My 7th grader is signed up for two afternoon classes from 12-4 - biology & something called urban workshop which is essentially shop class - my husband works from home this day and will be able to drop him off, I will pick him up and I won't always have to bring the youngers unless my husband has a conference call or is backed up on work


Thursday: My 7th graders passion is art and he'd like to take another art class with the same instructor he had this year - this class will either be in the morning, but most likely it will be the most annoying time of all 3-6pm and it is a 30-40 minute drive from our house depending on traffic - he took a class this year and it was 100% worth the money and the drive for him - I have zero clue what to do with my kids for three hours, especially once it starts to get dark earlier. Any ideas are very much appreciated here. I am thinking the beach until it gets too dark, and then picking back up in the spring when the sunset gets later. Or we could walk around Target for 3-hours, but my wallet probably wouldn't be able to keep up the habit ;)


Friday: Nothing


When I type it out it doesn't sound that bad. The one thing I really want is a consistent morning routine, which we will have 4-days a week. I also love a consistent evening routine as well, which it looks like I'd have 4-days a week as well.

Edited by justme824
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It all looks great on paper, and I hope it works for you... but I can't offer many suggestions. There's no way this would work for us. I can't stand driving, I do it because I have to. Having something almost every single day just wouldn't work for us. Good luck!!!

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I did constant running with my two youngest when my two oldest were in school. My daughter lived half her toddler years in the car going to appointments, picking up siblings in school half day, picking up siblings in school that were full day. I'm sure your little ones will be okay with the driving :)


You are my hero if you can get grocery shopping done in less than 1.5 hours (probably an hour by the time you drop him off and then turn around to pick him up) with 2 and 5 year olds. I would be more inclined to use that 3 hour time during art class to get grocery shopping done, even if it's 30 minutes from home. Cold bags or a cooler would make sure things don't get too warm.


It sounds like your son has some fun classes lined up! I wish those types of classes were offered around here :)

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Could you find a library near the art class? Even if it is out of district and you can't check books out, it might have a play area, computers and, of course, lots of books to keep the kids occupied for those hours.



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I think it looks manageable, but I have a high tolerance for that sort of thing. (If you look at my signature re: ages of kids and know anything about competitive swimming, you can infer how many millions of hours/miles I've dragged my littles around over the years.)


It sounds like you have some excellent in-person classes, but if you want to cut-back outside-the-house classes without limiting your older child's options, you might consider adding an online class or two in the future. My DD11 will have two classes through WTMAnext year (1 full-year & 2-semester classes) and one through Center for Lit. It is wonderful that she can get this high-quality educational experience without ever leaving home. I usually schedule even our online classes after lunch, to protect our morning work period.


I'm jealous of your Homeschool adventure group on Tuesdays!

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Do the Monday history and Wednesday biology classes count as subjects for you or enrichment? If these are your history and science, with 1-2 other work periods at home to be complete, then this would work for me. Looks like you'd have math and LA to teach at home, do able in your mornings, then the prep for science and history, mostly independently? I'd consider busy bags or a soft car tray to make some portable fun things for engaging your littles. And, do tell more about this adventure group! I'd give a pretty penny have that option for my kiddos!

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You are my hero if you can get grocery shopping done in less than 1.5 hours (probably an hour by the time you drop him off and then turn around to pick him up) with 2 and 5 year olds. I would be more inclined to use that 3 hour time during art class to get grocery shopping done, even if it's 30 minutes from home. Cold bags or a cooler would make sure things don't get too warm.


I have trained my kids on how much I despise grocery shopping and pretty much bribe them to help me get in and out as fast as possible! I'd also have pretty much the entire time to shop because the grocery store is right across the street and after the first day I could drop and pick up without getting out of the car.

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I think it looks manageable, but I have a high tolerance for that sort of thing. (If you look at my signature re: ages of kids and know anything about competitive swimming, you can infer how many millions of hours/miles I've dragged my littles around over the years.)


It sounds like you have some excellent in-person classes, but if you want to cut-back outside-the-house classes without limiting your older child's options, you might consider adding an online class or two in the future. My DD11 will have two classes through WTMAnext year (1 full-year & 2-semester classes) and one through Center for Lit. It is wonderful that she can get this high-quality educational experience without ever leaving home. I usually schedule even our online classes after lunch, to protect our morning work period.


I'm jealous of your Homeschool adventure group on Tuesdays!


I'll have to look more into online courses. I just have no idea what to expect. He's not much of a fan of spending time on the computer so I am not sure how he'd feel about taking a class online either.

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Do the Monday history and Wednesday biology classes count as subjects for you or enrichment? If these are your history and science, with 1-2 other work periods at home to be complete, then this would work for me. Looks like you'd have math and LA to teach at home, do able in your mornings, then the prep for science and history, mostly independently? I'd consider busy bags or a soft car tray to make some portable fun things for engaging your littles. And, do tell more about this adventure group! I'd give a pretty penny have that option for my kiddos!


Yes, they would absolutely count as his history & science and he'd be able to do the prep/reading/etc. independently! My husband actually takes care of the math so I am off the hook on that one! They do lessons on the weekends and he works through his work throughout the week going over issues in the evenings if he needs extra help. If we go this route all I'd be responsible for, outside of helping him with time management, is language arts which is my favorite part :)

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It all looks great on paper, and I hope it works for you... but I can't offer many suggestions. There's no way this would work for us. I can't stand driving, I do it because I have to. Having something almost every single day just wouldn't work for us. Good luck!!!


The driving is the only thing giving me pause about fully committing! Right now I am thinking of dropping the history course.

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What about doing a library day with the littles on Thursday pm (once the beach is done) or see if you can schedule any extracurriculars for your 5 yo during this time. Or maybe Swimming if there is a pool nearby?

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I drive a lot, so this looks totally do-able for me. ;)


Is there some sort of organized activity you could enroll your younger kids in near the art class? I'm thinking something like swimming lessons, or a gymnastics class, or story time at the library, or...? Then you would feel like everyone is getting something out of the drive.

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I drive a lot too.  My main concern is getting a nap in for the 2 yr old.  2 days a week my driving or our out of the house activities interfere with her nap (at least from this last semester.)  So those two days I have to be conscious of that, either allowing for a later nap or skipping and knowing we are going to have an early cranky night.  I can't schedule any evening activities on either of these days. But other than that, it isn't that bad.  I think it tires me out with the loading of the car with all of the things and trying to make sure we get everything done at home with school and housework and meal prep that we need to accomplish more than it bothers the two year old.

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It's too much mostly becasue of driving issues.  Nice that your dh works from home one day.  I would have your ds choose between the Medieval history class and the Art class.  HIstory is so easy to teach, I would definitely not add another day driving around for it!  I hope he chooses art.

 He did choose art. We evaluated each class to decide which classes we could easily replicate at home, vs. which are unique experiences and worth both time & money. Art won.

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If you don't like driving (or at least don't mind it), you will hate it.


I don't like being gone every day.  By the time everything is said and done a 1 hour "meeting" or whatever usually means I lose close to 4 hours.  There's the getting packed up and out the door, myself ready, double checking child(ren) has what they are supposed to, the drive time, the course/meeting time, the waiting to leave, getting caught up in a chat time, and finally home, decompressing, putting stuff away.  


My kids are older now (youngest is 7, oldest is 16).


I've limited my kids to swimming and scouting activities.  Swimming means being gone for long hours, but I have a conference room and a library where kids who are not swimming can work on school with me.  Scouting is one night a week (all the same night).  The older kids are in school every other day, but I don't usually have to drive them.  The weeks I hate are the "alternate schedule" weeks, where they mix up the class times/days.  Because of something I've heard about the school schedule changing next year, we may drop the school courses altogether.  It would mean 3 days away from the house in prime school hours.  It would make it seriously stressful.  I'm waiting until fall to find out the schedule as a certainty.

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