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Remembering Games


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I've got a bunch of games that are considered "school games" be it 10 days in USA for Geography, Bananagrams for Language Arts and/or Mastermind for logic. As well as homemade games like math with uno cards, money puzzles to match the amount with the picture of coins.


My problem is, how do I remember to play all those games with my boys? Every once in a while, I think, "We need to play more games" so I go a day where we get out a few and play them, but then I don't want to do it every day, so by the time next week rolls around, they're back on their shelf and we're just doing our regular school work.


Anyone have any tricks or tips to remembering to include games in school?


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We have a shelf called The Arcade. I put the games there I want them to play. We also keep a list with it where we write down the games and can add new ones. Each kid has five check boxes on each game they can play. When they play a game, they check it off. Once the whole family has all the boxes checked off on one sheet, we get some kind of family reward (like a trip to the ice cream shop, a camping trip, a new game from Amazon). There are about 25-30 games on sheet (some games are repeats once they've played 5 times we write it down again if I want to). It takes a few months for them to finish one sheet. They play in their free time, or if they get done with work and are waiting for me. Sometimes I put on their checklist to play in the arcade.

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I've noticed that the more I limit screen time, the more the games get brought out. This occurred recently (and unintentionally) when dd10 dropped the iPad, shattering the screen. I took my time getting it fixed, and I was somewhat amazed to see all sorts of board games getting played again. I sort of wish we hadn't gotten it repaired, but we "needed" it for an upcoming car trip.

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Up through about 6th-7th grade, we did regular school things 4 days a week, and the 5th day was for fun educational games, longer hands-on projects (art, history), and science experiments. It was all on the weekly schedule, so it all got remembered. It was great! :)


We also had a scheduled family game night a few times a month -- popcorn and other fun snacks, and everyone got to pick a card or board game and we'd play all evening. :)

Edited by Lori D.
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My kids absolutely love board games so rarely a day goes by we don't play a game. But to echo above posters more get played when there is less available/allowed screen time. We also have one day a week for games, art, longer projects, etc.

Edited by UCF612
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