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basic electronics

Shasta Mom

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We have several snap circuits sets. If you get the version with the -R (Educational Version) you get it with the student guide, which is what we have. Or you can buy the student and teacher guides separately. Lots of fun and the guide is useful, making it more than just a toy for us.

http://www.aimsedu.org also has an activity book called Electrical Connections. I was looking at it for my boys, but we are busy doing another one of their books right now.

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I was going to suggest the AIMS book, too. I taught it in a classroom setting an it's excellent. You don't really have to buy technical equipment, just lots of batteries and if you have an old string of Christmas tree lights, you're set. It's got some awesome activities. One of my favorite units to teach!

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I would highly recommend the Snap Circuits too. At first I was resistant --- can't I just buy the stuff more cheaply at Radio Shack? Well, the Snap Circuits don't need to be wired together (and have a loose connection spoil the project), they snap together (as you might have guessed).


Other things I like:

-- you can buy individual components if you lose something

-- the sets can be upgraded, so you can go from a 100 to a 300 or 500 without losing your original investment.

-- the guides that come with the sets are great. The color coded directions are super clear, and the book tells you why something is acting the way it does.

-- you can get additional teachers' guides with quizzes and so on.


I got SC from RR at a discount; Timberdoodle sells the Teacher guides. You have to go to the Elanco (SC) website to get individual components.


And here is a link to a component of "engineering is elementary" that deals with electricity:


Edited by Alessandra
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