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Teaching Textbooks Precalculus 2.0 Available for PreOrder

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I have the first version of this, but my oldest ended up taking a class at the CC instead.  My next dc will be using it for pre-calc this year.  If you've already used the first version of this, do you think it would be worth spending another $92 to upgrade?  I'm mostly concerned that the "instant" corrections could lead to laziness and lack of retention.  What do you think?

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FWIW, my kids have done extremely well with the upgraded version. The upgraded features do not seem to have caused any problems with laziness or lack of retention, but instead, have kept them involved and interested.


I know that many don't consider TT a rigorous course, but for my "non-mathy" students, it's been great, and has given great results on SAT.


Happy day!

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I've had very good experiences when calling them.  They do seem to be slow to respond to emails.  Also, when a response is finally sent, the sender name doesn't say "Teaching Textbooks." It just shows the name of the employee responding, so it's easy to think it's spam and delete it without opening.  

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I've always gotten a quick response via email, and they have been helpful over the phone.  I got an email this weekend about the pre-order :)  The timing couldn't have been better for us.  Last kid doing their senior year math class.  We've been used to the self-grading programs, and I was dreading moving to the old version for this last book.  

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