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Resources to supplement US government

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I am planning a half credit US government class for next year at home and just want to know what resources you have used that had made the class fun for your students.


We will be using the icivics.org site, looking at all the major documents, visiting our town hall but I will appreciate any other supplements.



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We used the Lanahan Readings in American Polity to add lots of brief source readings to our otherwise dry text.


Also, each kid picked one current events topic to follow and get involved in somehow.  Ds picked a homeschool bill that was in the current state legislature. Since we live in the capital city of our state, we were able to go downtown and sit in on hearings and observe the process first hand. He integrated this into one of his Boy Scout merit badges, too. Dd picked a controversial issue that she felt strongly about, and we participated in a march on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC (again, only a day trip away) and went to visit our House representative while we were there.


This isn't terribly different from what you're planning already,  but I thought I'd get the ball rolling & look forward to hearing what others have done.

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I teach a government and economics class at our co-op for high school students.  I am not sure what the age of your students are but for the high school kids I require them to do 3 projects.  The first project is that they need to volunteer on a political campaign for at least 5 hours and then write up a 2-3 page summary about what they did and learned.  The next project requires them to go to a government meeting, either town board, legislative or something a long those lines.  They also need to write up a 2-3 page report on that experience.  The last thing is they need to research a current pending law.  They are then to survey folks about the law and then write up an analysis of it and if they support it.  The kids are encourage to do one of the projects at the local level, one at the state level and then one at the federal level although sometimes that does not work out.

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Thank you all so much. These are great ideas. She will be doing the page program at the state Capitol but that is after the class. I am planning for the fall semester.


I will find out about the youth government. I am not sure that we have it though


I love the idea of the projects. I definitely will incorporate some of that especially with it being an election year.


She does not like debate and I am really not encouraging her. Debate here is serious business and a lot of the kids are traveling so many weekends for tournaments. I am not sure we can do that as a family.

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What about Boys/Girls State? Or Youth City Council if your town has one? My kids have learned so much. Every year they pick a topic or cause and work on it, meeting every other week with the heads of the police, fire, finance, public works, etc. and learn how the city functions. They have a mock city council meeting. They speak at city council meetings. Our YCC got a smoking ban for under 18yos passes. The cops had had their hands tied because there was no city ordinance against. The kids couldn't BUY cigarettes, but there was nothing saying they couldn't smoke them once they had them. There was a smoking bench/area across the street from the high school, where the little kids could see them whilst getting on the school buses. The YCC got it cleaned up. 


Oh, yeah. Teen Pact. Mine were/are always too busy to go, but I've heard lots of good things about it. 

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You can also look for Youth in Government (called Youth and Government in some states) programs. My dd is involved with YMCA-sponsored delegation that takes kids from all kinds of schools. She is the only homeschooler in our (small) state!


In our state, YiG conference is in the spring at the state capital. The kids prepare beginning in January. Dd was a member of the Senate this year. She proposed a bill, argued for it, debated other bills, voted, etc.


I first learned about YiG through Lori D :)

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