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What kinds of dogs are popular where you live? (And region/country).


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The majority of the dogs around here (Navajo Nation) are mutts, the commonest seem to be some sort of cattle or sheep herding dog stock, with a bit of pit bull or similar breed thrown in here and there. Or Chihuahua-ancestry mutts. For the most part they seem pretty gentle, and even the feral ones who form packs tend to beg rather than be aggressive.

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No idea. Lots of medium-big dogs, but I'm not a dog person. And people look at you like you have decapitated heads stored in your deep freezer when you tell them that.


I was terrified of dogs as a kid.  As an adult it's mostly mellowed out to a slight wariness (except whenever a dog does something unexpected/maybe-possibly-aggressive, then I'm right back to fear again), but I'm still not a dog person, really.  I am kinda of a corgi person, though.  Dh's family are major dog people, and when I met him, they had the sweetest, friendliest, most well-trained corgi ever.  He was the first dog I truly wasn't scared of.   I knew when I married dh that he wanted to keep a dog around, and I was ok so long as they were corgis.  But tbh, as cute as our guy is, if it were up to me I'd still choose no dog over dog.  I'm soundly outvoted by the rest of the family, though ;).


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You can't run with them?  They are heelers though, wouldn't they have to run a lot for that?


Corgis are just so short-legged and dd is a fast runner (cross country, track). I want a dog that could keep up with her because neither her dad nor I can. Dh has the job of trying to stay close to her when we run 5ks because I'm 10 or more minutes behind--she's been running them in 25 minutes since she was 8. Dh is about a minute behind at this point. At 13, I don't really want her going on runs by herself but we don't have anyone in the family who can run with her unless we go to a track.

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Houses around me, pit bull mixes (love my pittie), Labradors, Shepard Mixes, Bull Mastiff, king Charles spaniels, pugs, huskies, German Shepard dogs, chihuahuas, and a couple of dachshunds.


I had a doberman when I met my dh. He was a great dog. I always try to rescue and the shelters around here are overflowing with pit mixes. Breaks my heart to see so many unwanted dogs.

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Totally a tangent, but I know! I'm really allergic to dogs. Not being able to breathe when handling them despite that I take a daily antihistamine pretty distinctly makes me not a dog person, but people seem to think it's a moral failure that I want to have nothing to do with your dog. People don't act that way about my comparable allergy to cats and horses. I wish it could be treated with the same moral neutrality as peanut butter.


I LIKE dogs...over there!  Same reason.  Let me admire your dog, call him sweet names, admire his coat...but please understand that I don't want to pet him.  I can't.  But, over there, I sure do like your dog!  

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I'm polite to dogs and I know more about them than the average Joe, but I don't want one and have weird, weird issues.


I grew up in a very dysfunctional AKC family. They teased Sis and me that our mom treated her dogs like children and her children like dogs. There was definitely some truth in that and not a whole lot of compassion and sympathy for a kid even a mother couldn't love who was exhibiting obvious signs of sibling rivalry with Fido.


I was momentarily moved to tears about a month ago when my father sent me a text message that said, "She must have known you two would never heal."


Finally, finally, some understanding and acknowledgement of childhood wounds I will carry for the rest of my life and perhaps an apology for his own part in failing to protect us.




My dad can't spell.


He thought it was hilarious to paint a verbal picture of children on choke chains being exhibited at the Westminster.


So yea, that's never going to happen. I'll just stick to "my landlord won't let me" from now on or, if pressed for more detail, "You kind of had to be there and you weren't."

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Fun thread.  


The breeder-families around here (suburban/edge of rural CT) seem to go mostly for labs and retrievers and larger poodle mixes and the occasional husky/shepherd/wolfhound.  Most of our friends (and we) have organic, slave-free, non-gluten, nut-free designer pound hounds, though.


My aunt and uncle had a rescue black and tan coon hound.  *Swoon.*  You never see them around here.  Just beautiful dogs.

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