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OCD in Adults


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I'm curious. If you or someone you know has OCD, what are the symptoms? What kind of treatment helped, and who did you see to get that treatment?


I'm asking because I've always known that I have anxiety. However, I'm wondering if OCD isn't also a possibility. If you don't want to share here, please feel free to PM. Thanks!

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Obsessive thinking. You couldn't see it from the outside. Like a record that can't get out of a particular groove. Meds.

Yeah. It repeats and repeats until it's your world. You probably know it's irrational . But knowing that doesn't help.


I tried so many treatments- variety of therapists, self help books, couple different natural remedies, meditation, diet changes, years and years of avoiding meds. Then I took Zoloft . It was a complete shock to me. To realize how everyone else lived. Without a constant loop of dread and regrets. I can think of something bad, realize I can't do anything to change it and ...move on. Absolutely amazing.

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Thanks everyone. So here's some of what I'm experiencing. When someone is late by even a couple minutes (or really even if I'm just waiting for someone to get somewhere) I start imagining what if something's happened to them. It gets to the point where I am planning out what would happen after this takes place (i.e. Funeral, etc)


I also rehearse different situations in my head. If I'm going somewhere new or going to be in a social situation, I'll go over it in my head a lot. I rehearse what I will say to people when I see them.


I do have intrusive thoughts and I have had serious trouble going to sleep because I have a song in my head.


I have always had anxiety to a degree and social anxiety as well. I remember doing a lot of counting when I was a kid. I hadn't thought of OCD before because I don't check door locks or turn lights off and on several times.


So, do I just go get a physical and mention this stuff to the doctor or what? I actually do not have a regular doctor right now.


Thanks for listening! Sorry for typos, I'm on my phone.

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I've got a couple forms of it. I've never really discussed it with my therapists in the past... I think partly because I was discouraged by the treatments I read about online. Behavioral therapy where you deliberately think about the thoughts to desensitize yourself? I was like yeah, no thanks.


Things get caught on loop in my brain and I used to have religious OCD. I'd think inappropriate thoughts which were sacrilegious.

I have OCD with germs. I usually carry hand sanitizer, wash my hands too many times a day, worry about handling food (mainly for others) because I think I'm going to harm someone if something isn't just right. Oh no, did that meat reach the right internal temp? Did the eggs sit out too long? Etc. 


I'm lead to believe my grandma was a checker. We got in the car with my aunt once and Grandma was asking about something (double checking) and my aunt said she always does this. I was under the impression there was a precise ritual and maybe she did things more than once.


Some people count. They have a thing with numbers. They maybe can't leave the classroom until the clock hits the next 5 or whatever. They might count the ceiling tiles. They might have to turn the lock three times before leaving it alone.


Dh says he's OCD, but I don't know if he literally is or just uses it in that cliché "everything must be straight and orderly" fashion. He said certain things drive him nuts like this crooked light pole. Someone that comes into his work and fiddles with items on the desk to mess with him.


My sister and I both believe to be OCD in the germ sense. We both have anxiety. I don't think all my anxiety issues are OCD-related, though.


Sorry if I'm not much help. I will definitely bring up my OCD with the dr I'll be seeing in May, though.

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Thanks everyone. So here's some of what I'm experiencing. When someone is late by even a couple minutes (or really even if I'm just waiting for someone to get somewhere) I start imagining what if something's happened to them. It gets to the point where I am planning out what would happen after this takes place (i.e. Funeral, etc)


I also rehearse different situations in my head. If I'm going somewhere new or going to be in a social situation, I'll go over it in my head a lot. I rehearse what I will say to people when I see them.


I do have intrusive thoughts and I have had serious trouble going to sleep because I have a song in my head.


I have always had anxiety to a degree and social anxiety as well. I remember doing a lot of counting when I was a kid. I hadn't thought of OCD before because I don't check door locks or turn lights off and on several times.


So, do I just go get a physical and mention this stuff to the doctor or what? I actually do not have a regular doctor right now.


Thanks for listening! Sorry for typos, I'm on my phone.


Just saw this. You can cut out the middle man. In fact, I would. I saw a GP for a referral to my psychiatrist and it was a total waste of time. Someone at my insurance gave me misleading info and it turns out I didn't need a referral. I will meet with the psychiatrist next month and plan to bring dh so he can chime in at least a few min. if it helps (not just for OCD-related reasons). I feel like for me this is the best because online it said she deals with diagnosing mental illnesses and she's a medical doctor, which I know not all counselors are. I'd look online (use your insurance website if applicable) to locate someone in your area and then see if OCD is listed as one of topics they deal with.


The things you describe sound like OCD to me. I know one form of OCD people think they have run over someone and keep checking the road so what you are describing doesn't sound hard to believe.


I get anxiety about unknowns, like going somewhere new or with a group because I have less control/don't know what to expect, etc. I try to reduce my anxiety by planning ahead but sometimes people don't "cooperate" Lol. I was so stressed over getting the baby car seat in the car before she was born but I was super pregnant so asked dh to do it. But the baby came early and he had to take the whole box to the hospital LOL. I was not laughing about it then! I was super stressed.

Edited by heartlikealion
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Thanks everyone. I think I will look into what my insurance will cover and if I need a referral and go from there. Some of what people are sharing sounds familiar, but I'm still not sure I have OCD. I will let a professional figure that part out. :) I'm just curious what a healthy brain does feel like at this point.

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