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Financial investing

Mama Geek

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What websites do you use to research stocks?  I had used Morning Star for years and decided I am just to cheap to do so anymore.  I have been using yahoo finance and find some info on Motely Fool.  What is it that you like that doesn't cost an arm and a leg?

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Yahoo finance is good for finding companies. I read the 10ks and 10Qs (available from the SEC or on the company's website) when I want to learn more.


I prefer index funds, the target date retirement funds especially so I don't need to rebalance every year. Numerous studies have shown that, over time, index funds outperform even the best financial analyst recommendations.

Edited by ErinE
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LOL, I don't research stocks. I buy Vanguard Index Funds. Investing made simple.  Mostly Target Retirement Date 2035. VTHHX. 2035, here I come. :)


I like Vanguard. I like the company's philosophy and its fees are some of the lowest. If I could convince DH to move all our funds to Vanguard, we would.

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Another vote for Vanguard and Bogleheads. I used The Boglehead's Guide to Investing as part of the personal finance class I did with my son.


Dh and I have, on and off through the years, put aside a little bit of money to invest in single stocks, but overall that has been pretty unsatisfying. Like when we sold our Apple stock for a small loss when it was in the teens. We wanted to offset some gains and planned to buy it back in a couple of months. By then though, it had "soared " to $25 per share, and we decided to pass. If ever I needed a lesson in how stupid individual investors can be, I just have to look at the current price of Apple. Sigh. Luckily, our index funds chug along and our retirement has nothing to do with not buying Apple because it was "overpriced" at $25.

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Another vote for Vanguard and Bogleheads. I used The Boglehead's Guide to Investing as part of the personal finance class I did with my son.


Dh and I have, on and off through the years, put aside a little bit of money to invest in single stocks, but overall that has been pretty unsatisfying. Like when we sold our Apple stock for a small loss when it was in the teens. We wanted to offset some gains and planned to buy it back in a couple of months. By then though, it had "soared " to $25 per share, and we decided to pass. If ever I needed a lesson in how stupid individual investors can be, I just have to look at the current price of Apple. Sigh. Luckily, our index funds chug along and our retirement has nothing to do with not buying Apple because it was "overpriced" at $25.


In your defense, institutional investors often aren't any better. The book When Genius Failed: The Rise and Fall of Long Term Capital Management is an excellent insight into the rise of quants and computer-based trading, people and practices that are pretty standard on any trading floor now. Myron Scholes (the Black-Scholes equation is used to price financial options like calls and puts) was one of the partners, and the firm failed spectacularly.

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Vanguard Total Stock Index Fund here. 

Recommended by Mr. Money Mustache & Simple Dollar personal finance blogs.

It's a tiny part of 500 companies, so it basically follows the stock market numbers.

But it's in a way that you don't have to be an expert, or pay an expert, to time the market.

Just buy low & sell high, which as you know can cause anxiety of course. ;-)

We bought at the recent dip in the market.

Dividends are part of the benefit, too.

But you really need to understand what you're doing before you give anyone your $$ to invest!

Best wishes.

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