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Apologia Physical Science - enough chemistry?

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Our co-op will be offering this next year.  I want my 8th grader to do a physical science/ integrated chem and physics.  Is Apologia enough?  We have done Ellen McHenry's Elements…. and I have Carbon Chemistry sitting on a shelf, along with TIner's World of Chemistry.  Do I need to add these, or more?  Or is it enough for a good solid grounding to begin high school science.



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I like the Tiner books, but I consider them more background versus actual science content. I'm not familiar with the other two.


You might look at DIVE's online links for ICP to see the content you'll need: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qbGB37-aLOp0nBZswr8hOnNX7Yc5LfvL0WlvtNWL8ME/edit


When I did this, I bought a BJUP book and assigned the chemistry chapters over the summer. DS was in a local science class that he enjoyed, but I wanted ICP on the transcript.

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Apologia physical science does not contain chemistry. No physical science program that I know of does as these are introductory earth science type courses.


If you want an integrative chemistry component you will definitely need to add to the program from another source or two.

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It does contain some chemistry, but it's not very much. I taught it in a co-op this year with 7th grade and up. It has been my son's favorite part of the book, so I'm hopeful that he will like chemistry when he gets to it. Ds is only 7th grade, so I plan on him doing another ICP when he gets to high school. If our co-op doesn't do it, I'll plan on it here at home. The co-op tends to be lab focused, so I can make it work regardless.


Here are the chemistry concepts included in it:


Atoms and molecules are introduced early on. It teaches converting units, which is important in chemistry.


Chemical formulas are introduced as well as polarity and hydrogen bonding.


The structure of the atom is taught along with using the periodic table a bit. It introduces isotopes, the Bohr model for electron configurations, and radioactive decay.




If you want more chemistry, then I would definitely plan on adding to it. 






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Apologia physical science does not contain chemistry. No physical science program that I know of does as these are introductory earth science type courses.


If you want an integrative chemistry component you will definitely need to add to the program from another source or two.

Chemistry is a physical science. I certainly haven't used all of the available texts out there, but of the ones I have used (Apologia included), chemistry has always been included.

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OP here…. thanks…. I had originally planned to use DIVE ICP.  But the teacher for the co-op class is excellent, and it should include a heavy lab emphasis.  I just wonder if it is enough - or if I should plan to add something I already have, or get the DIVE ICP and use it as well….. or if that is crazy and just stick to Apologia… FWIW we will probably to do Carbon Chemistry anyway bc we love Ellen McHenry's programs.

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If you consider DIVE ICP, the author has his own reading schedule from online sources. For a textbook choice, a new textbook by ABeka is his next favorite choice. 


Here is the syllabus for ICP with the chapters from the ABeka book. 



Here is the ABeka book. 



Maybe you could just get a ICP text like this one and read through it. 



Edited by mom31257
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Apologia physical science does not contain chemistry. No physical science program that I know of does as these are introductory earth science type courses.


If you want an integrative chemistry component you will definitely need to add to the program from another source or two.



All the Physical Science texts we looked at included Chemistry, although Apologia's chemistry isn't enough to count IMO. We used PH Physical Science Concepts in Action which is available in 2 formats, one with Physics and Chemistry only and one with Earth Science added in. BJU is pretty straight physics and chem. DIVE is Physics and Chem. I thought that was the definition of Physical Science, some combination of Physics, Chemistry and Earth Science. Different programs lean stronger toward each part. Apologia has a strong Earth Science component for what it is worth.

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It does contain some chemistry, but it's not very much. I taught it in a co-op this year with 7th grade and up. It has been my son's favorite part of the book, so I'm hopeful that he will like chemistry when he gets to it. Ds is only 7th grade, so I plan on him doing another ICP when he gets to high school. If our co-op doesn't do it, I'll plan on it here at home. The co-op tends to be lab focused, so I can make it work regardless.


Here are the chemistry concepts included in it:


Atoms and molecules are introduced early on. It teaches converting units, which is important in chemistry.


Chemical formulas are introduced as well as polarity and hydrogen bonding.


The structure of the atom is taught along with using the periodic table a bit. It introduces isotopes, the Bohr model for electron configurations, and radioactive decay.




If you want more chemistry, then I would definitely plan on adding to it. 


That just shows how much I'm paying attention to my son's science! :P I'm glad someone knows more than me.

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Apologia physical science does not contain chemistry. No physical science program that I know of does as these are introductory earth science type courses.


If you want an integrative chemistry component you will definitely need to add to the program from another source or two.


My 8th grader is doing physical science from Conceptual Academy and it does include chemistry.



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Ok, so it sounds like everyone pretty much recommends to add chemistry…. any opinions on how?  At co-op will be the Apologia, plus homework…. in addition, would you suggest….


1….. DIVE ICP (will this be too much )

2….. Ellen Mchenry Carbon Chem

3……Tiner's Chemistry

4……Another option?


BTW, mathwise, this child (currently in 7th grade) is finishing up Algebra 1, and is highly motivated and bright….. but he is a history/ geography kid, not a science kid




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When my son was in the 8th grade I had him use Apologia Physical Science and added Power Basics Chemistry. It gave him a basic foundation in Chem without being too demanding. I was looking for a good overview, especially the vocabulary, but was not looking for him to do too much work. TOPS experiments rounded out the year and I think it worked well for him.


He is using DIVE Biology this year and I would think that adding a DIVE program to a co-op class would be a great deal of work. Maybe you could choose a solid text, like the ABeka or Prentice Hall, and have your son read the Chemistry section and do the tests open book. That would not be too much on top of the co-op class and he would have more Chem under his belt before he starts High School.

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Ok, so it sounds like everyone pretty much recommends to add chemistry…. any opinions on how?  At co-op will be the Apologia, plus homework…. in addition, would you suggest….


1….. DIVE ICP (will this be too much )

2….. Ellen Mchenry Carbon Chem

3……Tiner's Chemistry

4……Another option?


BTW, mathwise, this child (currently in 7th grade) is finishing up Algebra 1, and is highly motivated and bright….. but he is a history/ geography kid, not a science kid




DIVE is a full semester of Chemistry. In my opinion it is the perfect amount to include in Physical Science, but it may be too much to fit in your schedule :). DIVE does have a syllabus that matches to Apologia adding in internet links for what Apologia doesn't cover. That might work out ok for you. The first 15 weeks are Chemistry, it looks like less than 4 weeks of that material is covered in Apologia though. 


I haven't used any of the other resources you list so I can't comment on those. We did use some of Ellen Mchenry's stuff. Carbon Chemistry is organic chemistry and while it wouldn't hurt, that isn't what is typically covered in a physical science or even the first year of high school chemistry. But you're a homeschooler - you don't have to stick to what is typically covered if you don't want to :).


ETA, if you supplement with DIVE, just watch the labs and DON'T use his tests. Just a cursory run through of the material added to Apologia might not be too overwhelming. Just thinking out loud.

Edited by Momto2Ns
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Thanks again.


Momto2Ns…the amount of chemistry as well as the lectures to learn to take notes from was why I had planned on using DIVE ICP next year in  the first place.  I looked at your link; Apologia doesn't match up well at all.  I don't want to make him end up doing two entire programs - he isn't even my sciencey kid! Decisions, decisions...

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Would it be possible for your son to take the co-op class but not do anything but the labs? That way he would get the lab experience but DIVE ICP would be the bulk of his work. I realize that the labs don't line up but that may not be a big deal for 8th grade, especially if your goal is to have him learn lab skills.


We don't offer science in the co-op I run but I know that we would be able to be flexible for something like this. We do have a Spanish class. Some students are doing Spanish at home and others are just getting what they can from the class; it hasn't been a problem.

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Personally, if you have an excellent co-op teacher and you put in the time to study and learn the material, I think it will be enough prep for high school science. My dd did DIVE ICP in 9th, Apologia Biology in 10th, and Apologia Chemistry in 11th. We put together an Astronomy course for her senior year, and then she announced she wanted to major in nursing. I was so panicky because I was afraid we hadn't prepared her enough. This was my kid who said she would never do anything in a science or medical field. She took Chemistry for nursing her first semester and had a 97 average. I think they will be prepared for science if you teach them how to think and how to study. That's really what they need to be successful later on and in anything. 

Edited by mom31257
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Liza Q - Thanks - I honestly don't know.  That is something I will have to consider.  


Mom 31257 - Thank you for your input as well - I appreciate how everyone thinks differently.  And that your daughter switched to a science field and was well-prepared is good to know too.  There are many paths we can take.  Thanks

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