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Does anyone remember this troll story?


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It's not a true troll story, but the main character was more of a drama queen.


A couple of years ago there was someone who started a blog to "out" this woman who had taken him/her. The woman was full of sob stories and she befriended this individual through a message board or something. The DQ said that she'd met some guy and they were going to get married. DQ even changed her own voice to sound like a guy when she spoke to the "friend" on the phone. Then suddenly the fiance (a rancher or something) died tragically. The "friend" wanted to comfort the DQ and invited her to come and stay at his/her home for awhile. There was even a video on youtube of the day that the "friend's" real friends came and did an intervention exposing the DQ to be a liar and a thief.


Does anyone else remember this?

I'm going to bed now, but I'll come back in the morning to check! :)

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the show or the names of the involved parties. It struck me at the time as incredibly cruel and also, as exposing this woman as bizarrely, coolly watching the other woman's emotions as she grieved the death of her friend. It was painful to even learn about.


What made you think of this?

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I'm asking because a friend of mine has an internet friend whose life is like something off General Hospital and I've just suggested to her that maybe that person isn't being totally honest with her. That story popped into my mind, but now I can't find the original sites to show her.


Okay, now I'm really going to bed!

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If I'm remembering correctly....I did see one of these stories (and the You Tube). No, I think it was a different one. A scam artist convinced a gal (through the internet) that there was someone romantically interested in her (I think they even got engaged). All of a sudden, when she wanted to meet in person, he tragically died. The scam artist presented herself as a friend of the deceased imaginary boyfriend.


Is that it?

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I had never heard of this. Thanks for posting the link. It was an interesting read.



When I was a young divorced mom (lonely made me easy prey), I fell for a guy that I later found out was AWOL from the army. Apparently he had left quite a trail behind him. He had several aliases, left girls behind with broken hearts, and bought expensive gifts using stolen credit cards. Unluckily for him, even though I was in FL at the time, I had lived in his hometown in CA and was able to contact some people who actually knew his mom. He went to jail very soon after that phone call. I wish I could say that I was the one that turned him in, but it was my friends.


Thank goodness for real friends!

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If it's the same story I'm thinking of, the fake boyfriend's name was Jesse James or Jesse something. And he was a (fake) forest fire fighter, I think. Does that help? Maybe that will give you some leads for googling?



The con artist was Janna St. James. Google her and you'll find out more than you ever wanted to know about someone else's psychosis.


Yes, this is definitely the one. I had mixed up some of the details, but that's the story I was talking about for sure. You guys rock. Thanks so much.

I'll pass the info along to my friend just to show her how deranged and deceitful people can be.

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