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Children and bookcases

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Are your children able to properly place books on shelves in your house? Or do they just pile them on top or in front:glare:. Why does this seem to be such a difficult task? Hmmm, I just don't know. Maybe we have too many books? Nah, there could never be too many books.


Well, I've already outted myself in my other thread -- I have books stacked all over the place. It bothers me, but *I* am careful with them, so it's not the end of the world.


The Kid, though -- ARGH! I play "Book Police" with him after every subject. He'll leave them open on his bed, then his little friend comes down and sits on them -- among other things. Many a spine has been broken this way and it makes me furious. :mad:


How can you *not* see that, let alone not know there is a book under your butt??!!??!!??!! :cursing: :banghead:

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We usually have books laying all over the place. Although last night, they decided to put one bookcase in alphabetical order. I have one designated bookcase for the library books. Now, if you could give me some tips on getting control of the LEGO.......


Umm, I don't have control of the Legos. They have taken over and totally consumed my house. Seriously. Our 4th "bedroom" is downstairs where I can shut the door on the millions and millions of Legos that we have. I make them keep them in that room. No toys in the bedroom. Then I can close the door and pretend that all is nice and neat. HA!

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books here get stacked/piled/scattered everywhere - including by me.


I always know when ds has been in a room & which chair he sat in because there'll be a halo of books on the floor surrounding the chair. If books are left on the couch - which they are all the time - the dog sleeps on them. It doesn't look comfortable at all but she seems very happy.


Dd is anal about broken spines so she's more careful with her books.


Me? I'm not careful at all. I crack open books, break spines, fold over corners as bookmarks, write in them, put stickies with notes all over & kick them under the couch when I need to vacuum in front of the couch. Our books, like our home, look lived in :D


I am more careful with library books: I don't write in them.


Every couple of days, I shove everything back on the shelves, more because the clutter of it gets to me, not out of any great concern for the books themselves.


It helps if you have lots of open space on your shelves. I find it way harder to put away books if I have to wiggle them into place or fidget around to make them fit.

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We usually have books laying all over the place. Although last night, they decided to put one bookcase in alphabetical order. I have one designated bookcase for the library books. Now, if you could give me some tips on getting control of the LEGO.......



I bag the legos at the end of the day. If the kids don't help put them in the bag then i put the bags in the closet where they cant reach them.



This worked for a few days....


i THOUGHT DH was sneaking them the blocks back,

till I saw the 1 yr old and the 3ry old push chairs to the closet and climb up to get them out.




I guess it's good experience at team work??


And yes I put books up where the kids cant get them. :(

I KNOW they know all the not so secret anymore places.

It's less than a day before they find a way to find and pull out 30 of them.

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No they can't, and there would apparently be no help for the now 4yo. Here she is at 8 months old :glare: (she can STILL empty that bookshelf in nothing flat - and still does!).



(the scrabook page wtih teh whole sequence of her dumping them: http://photos.imageevent.com/justhandy/kidlayouts/websize/IMG_5130.JPG )




my 3 yr old will pull 30 books out and look at EACH one.

The one yr old pulls ALL the books just for the SPORT of it.


Hey, they can be the michael phelps of book pulling. 2010 olympics!!

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No. My children are not, apparently, capable of putting their books on the shelf properly. I should be happy that the books occasionally make it to the shelf, because most of the time we have books everywhere except put away. It's about to drive me nuts. I do not understand the need to carry around piles of books when a person, no matter how small, can only read ONE book at a time. My plan has been that I will make a big tag out of poster board for each child, which they will use to mark the book's place on their bookshelf. They will be allowed ONE book, and only ONE, at a time, and they will put it back with the tag when they are done. The only reason I haven't implemented this ingenious plan is that I fear it might reveal me to be a wee tad on the compulsive side. :D What I'd like to see, though, is that they learn to put books on the blinking shelf occasionally when they are only allowed to have one out.


I have also decided to write a homeschool curriculum that will teach children how to look for things. The instructions will say something like "When I say look by your foot, most likely you will not find it in the air over your other shoulder." :glare:

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No they can't, and there would apparently be no help for the now 4yo. Here she is at 8 months old :glare: (she can STILL empty that bookshelf in nothing flat - and still does!).



Tracey - that is so funny! That could be a picture of Emma at that age! Or Schmooey, for that matter, except for the pink. :D That scrapbook page is PRICELESS!


Emma used to LOVE to empty the book shelf, or the CD rack, or pretty much anything that looked like it was put away. :lol:

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Our solution to some of the book mess was to put out some large baskets in the living room. These baskets are for kid books and are well-used. One if for just library books and another just for audio books/CDs. This gives them a nice place to put the books without worrying so much about how they look.

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Emma used to LOVE to empty the book shelf, or the CD rack, or pretty much anything that looked like it was put away. :lol:


The middle did the CD rack. SHe used to sit on the BOSE subwoofer and throw them over her shoulder..... i have a picture of that somewhere (film, GASP).


We boxed the CDs up and when we got iPods for Christmas a few years ago, finally opened the box up and put them on the computer. LOL!!


My oldest did NOT prepare me for these next 2.... she didn't do stuff like this! :tongue_smilie:


Not to mention that i have piles too :P

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Library books go in a basket, so that part's easy. Dd can shelve smaller paperbacks, but she has a hard time with the large books on the bottom shelf. I don't blame her; she's petite and the books aren't. ;) So I have her make a reshelve pile of the books that she truly can't manage, and I take care of it a couple of times a week. I knew that afterschool job as a library page would come in handy one day!

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