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Peeing behind a dumpster. Would you still be friends?

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I would still be your friend....


What about adult public urination???


My husband is hanging the drywall in my parents new home and so we were all over there yesterday during the afternoon. My parents have 10 acres and it is heavily treed. My husband was talking with me and my father. He walked over to a tree with his back to us and peed right on a tree... still talking to us.... :confused:

They must do that all day while they work together... and I guess that *may* be what it is like in a men's restroom with urinals and all. It was just a little weird for me... lol

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My girls have learned the fine "art" of peeing in a stall (the horse kind) at the barn where we board. We can use the house if needed (a good friend of mine) but they have a poor septic system and it is a hike to the house. The stalls are just quicker. Even *I* have been known to use the stalls on a rare occ.


Our doctor once told us that a 5 quart ice cream pail is needed in each and every vehicle. Great for all sorts of emergencies. Lined with a plastic garbage bag and a few papertowels you have a great "potty". It makes a great "puke pail" as my kids call it as well. The lid is handy.

Horse trailers work quite nicely too! Move over Trigger, I gotta GO!!!

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I can't imagine being upset with a friend after hearing a story like this. Especially since your friend has kids of her own...sheesh.


Heck, my DH had to pee behind a dumpster once. We were out of town, trying to find a gas station, fast food place, anything that was open...he finally said "Okay, they're not open, I'll be back in a minute!" :)


I know we will eventually face a pee emergency with DS because he never has to go until he HAS to go. Even if he's hopping on one foot he will insist he doesn't need to go.:confused:

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I'd still be your friend! If I had to disown everyone I knew for peeing outside, I would be divorced and have no contact with any of my children. :lol: I can imagine a well-put-together person might be appalled but, like RC said, desperate times call for desperate measures!




Too bad it wasn't a ds...those empty water bottle always come in handy in the car.

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I go to a homeschool preschool group that sometimes meets at a park with no restroom and when the kids have to go pee we just take them over to the flower bed bushes. The kids are only 3 or 4 but like you said if they have to go they have to go. i think i would go ahead and purchase one of those travel potties. They are great!

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We were at a park a few years ago when a friend's son did the same thing - dropped his drawers right on the playground and started to go. His mom was horribly embarrassed, but the rest of us moms thought it was hysterical. He was only four, and he had to go, and there were no trees nearby...

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Oh, Jean, you made my day! Just this week ds6, dd7 and I were killing time at ds15's soccer practice until 7:30. Now it's dark here at 7:30 and ds6 had to go #1. Well, we're at the high school which is all locked up and there are no Honey Buckets around. I finally let him pull down his drawers and go in the bushes in the parking lot (very full of cars because of some school funtions and other practices). I'm not very comfortable with this, but what do you do?


Since relieving yourself is highly contagious in young children, dd7 informs me that she has to go, too. And not just #1, but #2. And, no, it can't wait! Well, there are some people sitting in their vehicles like we are (I discovered after dd peed in the bush) and occasionally coming out from the field to get in their cars, so going in the bush isn't going to work in this case.


It just so happens that dd broke her piggy bank open and had a gallon ice cream bucket full of change in the trunk of the car, ready to be deposited on our next stop at the bank. As a very last resort, I dumped the change into a plastic bag and dd sat on the bucket in the back seat of our little Mazda! Thank goodness we had a bucket and napkins in the glove box!


Needless to say, dd15 was mortified when he was made privy to the source of the smell on the way home from soccer practice!


*sigh* The joys of motherhood. But these are the times you'll laugh about in years to come!

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