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It's not too late to call your government representatives

Guest Virginia Dawn

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Guest Virginia Dawn

and make them aware of your position on the bailout. Washington is being inundated with e-mails and phone calls. A phone call, however, carries much more weight.


When dh called, he asked about the volume of calls and whether they were positive or negative. The overwhelming majority were negative. He has also been checking out the responses to other state's representatives. To give you an idea, for one congressman 320 out of 321 callers were against the bailout.


Our congressman, and one of our senators have not decided yet. The other senator's lines have been so busy dh could not get any info when he got through.


This is not a done deal. Your representatives are worried, many of them are on the fence. Make your voice heard. It makes a difference.

Edited by Virginia Dawn
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and make them aware of your position on the bailout. Wasington is being inundated with e-mails and phone calls. A phone call, however, carries much more weight.


When dh called, he asked about the volume of calls and whether they were positive or negative. The overwhelming majority were negative. He has also been checking out the responses to other states representatives. To give you an idea, for one congressman 320 out of 321 callers were against the bailout.


Our congressman, and one of our senators have not decided yet. The other senator's lines have been so busy dh could not get any info when he got through.


This is not a done deal. Your representatives are worried, many of them are on the fence. Make your voice heard. It makes a difference.


Thank you for posting this.

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and make them aware of your position on the bailout. Washington is being inundated with e-mails and phone calls. A phone call, however, carries much more weight.


When dh called, he asked about the volume of calls and whether they were positive or negative. The overwhelming majority were negative. He has also been checking out the responses to other state's representatives. To give you an idea, for one congressman 320 out of 321 callers were against the bailout.


Our congressman, and one of our senators have not decided yet. The other senator's lines have been so busy dh could not get any info when he got through.


This is not a done deal. Your representatives are worried, many of them are on the fence. Make your voice heard. It makes a difference.


Does anyone else find this whole thing so confusing, that they really don't know what should be done? I know that it's a lot of money for our country to shoulder, and in principle I object to the government bailing out private companies, but I also have read what could happen to our country if the government doesn't step in... I feel as though on such a huge matter I *should* have an opinion, and should contact my representatives, but when it comes down to it, I really don't know what the right thing is to do. :confused:


Anyone else feeling this way?



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Guest Virginia Dawn

I can only tell you what dh says, he's been doing all the research around here. According to him, things would not be as bad as they are saying. In fact various state's representatives have contacted their state and local financial institutions and have been told "We are fine." It is the reeeeelly big guys that seem to be in the most trouble.


So there will be some shifting around of resources and restructuring of institutions, but in the end it would be a much needed correction to the market. It's happened before in other sectors, admittedly not on this scale. However, many people feel if the correction is not allowed to happen now, we could be seeing much worse repurcussions down the road.


Supposedly, the sooner things are allowed to normalize the sooner the economy will get back on track. This is part of the Austrian economics in the other thread. Unfortunately many in our government tend to follow Keynesian economics which basically says government intervention moves the economy.


According to one article, John Keynes is said to have been asked, "This appears to work in the short term, but what about long term consequences?" His answer, "In the long term, we are all dead."

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I have spent hours reading on this issue from several different perspectives. It never occurred to me to look at my congressman's site for his perspective! I went there this morning looking for contact information and he has an excellent summation of the situation as well as a letter that he sent to Paulson wanting many of the same answers that I want.




Thanks for urging me to become proactive vs. just reading about the issue.


Golly, I spent so much time on the computer this morning and reading about this stuff that I missed the news that WaMu collapsed last night! Hmmmm, this is getting more confusing/overwhelming. But Congress needs to do due diligence......the missing factor that caused all the current problems.

Edited by 8FillTheHeart
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Does anyone else find this whole thing so confusing, that they really don't know what should be done?


Not that I'm going to bother them, but I would say:


"I realize there is no crystal ball in life, and any decision like this has to be thought of as a shade of grey, not 100% good or 100% bad. I encourage you to keep your ears open, seek wise counsel, and do what is truly best. Have the fortitude to do that rather than the immediately popular. I thank you for your efforts in a time that must be very trying for you."

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I have spent hours reading on this issue from several different perspectives. It never occurred to me to look at my congressman's site for his perspective! I went there this morning looking for contact information and he has an excellent summation of the situation as well as a letter that he sent to Paulson wanting many of the same answers that I want.




Thanks for urging me to become proactive vs. just reading about the issue.


I can't find any information on my Senator's site :glare: Or on my Representative's.

Edited by Mama Lynx
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Golly, I spent so much time on the computer this morning and reading about this stuff that I missed the news that WaMu collapsed last night! Hmmmm, this is getting more confusing/overwhelming. But Congress needs to do due diligence......the missing factor that caused all the current problems.


WaMu had too many subprime loans, and just couldn't recover. They were bought by Chase.

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Amen! Thanks for posting this reminder.


And here's a post I made last night regarding the alternative that House Republicans are suggesting, in case anyone's interested.


Thanks! I am more in agreement with the alternative than I am with the bailout. The bailout puts the burden on the taxpayers not on the CEOs or the very people that caused this problem (I won't mention it here). I am thinking of calling my senators and telling them to consider the capital gain tax removal that other republicans have stated.



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