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Shin Splints - what helped?

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Ice, ice and ice. lol That's the only thing that helped me when I ran cross country and had shin splints. I actually used the ice bath from the football team to soak my leg in.


You can wrap the shins, take aspirin or ibuprofen for the pain and try to cross-train during recovery (ride bike, swim, etc. in addition to slowly getting back into running). Obviously, a good warm-up and stretching before and after running is really important. Maybe the coach will have some good stretching exercises to suggest?


I continued to run through my shin splints and did OK, but I'm not sure that's the recommended route...it was a bummer season for me. Oh, also, you may want to take her to a good running shoe store and have her feet and gait analyzed to see if she needs a different shoe, more cushioning or an insert.

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My cross-country daughter has developed a pretty severe case of shin splints. Actually we're hopeful it's shin splints; she does have a bone scan scheduled for tomorrow to rule out a stress fracture. She wants to be back running ASAP, yesterday actually. So, what has worked for you?


I let mine heal (took about 2 weeks using the RICE method see end of post ) Then I stopped tying my shoes to tight and the shin splints have never returned.


R - Rest

I - Ice

C - Compression

E - Elevation

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I used to get shin splints when I ran cross country. Stretches can help prevent them by making your muscles more flexible.


A good stretch is to stand on the stairs. Put your toes at the edge of a step and let your heels drop below the level of your toes. Hold that stretch for a few seconds, then rise up on your toes as far as possible. Go back to neutral, then repeat.


Another stretch can be done when you stretch your Achilles tendon. Put both hands on a wall and put one leg out behind you, knee straight and heel on the ground. This will stretch your Achilles tendon. While in that same position, bend the back knee as far as you can and still keep your heel on the floor. This will work your shin muscles.

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Thanks, Ladies! Tomorrow dd goes to get a bone scan to rule out a stress fracture. I'm pretty sure that it's "just" shin splints, but it will good to get the r/o. She'll be working with the trainer to design her recovery plan with exercises, time on the bike/elliptical, and stretches. We'll also get some "cookies" to build up her arches and wraps for her shins. She is using ice and Advil. I'm hopeful that these efforts will get her onthe right path. Thanks for your advice and encouragement!

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