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Oooops....I Farkled....

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So, we discovered this new (to us anyway) dice game called "Farkle". It is really fun, but add in two sort of immature parents and 2 boys who are facinated with bodily gasses and it turns into hilarity. The new sayings at our house are now "Hey, who Farkled?" or "Ooops, I farkled" even heard "Hey, don't Farkle on my pillow" Maybe one day we will grow up......maybe?? :D

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:lol: That reminded me of a night we all went out to eat mexican food. My dad who was living with us at the time, and who had no problem expelling bodily gasses, stayed home. The girls began "farkling" on the way home. We were going to leave them with grandpa and go to church that night w/o them. *shaking my head* because we are really deranged...you'll see.


So we, yes me and dh, told the girls to go home and tell g-pa something about his "flatulence". We were giggling all the way home. So then, dh and I went to church and the pastor was preaching on Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. He used the KJV on purpose that night to get the best perspective on what Mary said. Her words were something like, "But Lord, he's been dead four days and he stinketh!" No kidding, it said "stinketh". Dh and I could not stop giggling under our breath. Ever since, the word "stinketh" has been a permanent fixture in our vocabulary.:glare:

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We farkle too lol We picked that game up a few summers ago visiting grandmas. Its a fun game unless you're the one who never gets enough points to get on the table lol


Its a lot like playing Dice. We tried to play Farkle with my brothers last summer and they weren't having it....they insisted we play Dice like its played in prison lol Maybe it was just the name, because the rules weren't all that different :tongue_smilie:

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We make up our own stakes for the loser. Everyone must agree at the beginning of the game. Things like asking a complete stranger for some Grey Poupon, or belting out "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" in a shopping mall. Most recently, one of my sons had to take a plunge into the river on a vacation to Colorado. (Think September in Gunnison and hypothermia-like water temperatures!) The high stakes always make it even more fun. Half the thrill for my boys is coming up with great ideas for the loser. There's a reason I rarely play, but instead tend to the baby. How much longer will that excuse hold up?

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