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Dolciani Algebra - does it matter which one?

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There are a few revisions over the years - is one better than the others, or are they mostly updated graphics and slight re-organization of topics?


I have some middle schoolers doing quite well with Doliciani pre-algebra (& some supplementals), and I'd like to keep the format that they know and appreciate. I also like the ability to scale back or scale up the lessons (I realize this is not unique to Dolciani).


So - does it matter? Is the California edition somehow different than the other ones?

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I don't think you're over-thinking.  There are differences.  I would probably avoid the newer ones.  If you like the mid-80s prealgebra (I assume Prealgebra, An Accelerated Course), the ones closest to that format were published in a similar timeframe.  Either one of these would work:


"Algebra 1" (1989, 1986)

http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0395430569?keywords=0395430569&qid=1453952259&ref_=sr_1_1&sr=8-1(cheap at Follett! )


or  "Algebra, Structure and Method Book 1"  (note, "book 1" is not "course 1" which would be a middle school text)



I have both of these.  I bought the top one at Follett.


The 1970s and earlier versions have their own advantages and disadvantages.


Note also that at Amazon, clicking around on the page for a particular book might link up with some other edition.  In other words, on Amazon, the links are all messed up for some older books.  So for example, for the Algebra 1 link above, there is a tab for Unknown Binding, but that led to what appears to be a completely different text.

Edited by wapiti
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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't think you're over-thinking. There are differences. I would probably avoid the newer ones. If you like the mid-80s prealgebra (I assume Prealgebra, An Accelerated Course), the ones closest to that format were published in a similar timeframe. Either one of these would work:


"Algebra 1" (1989, 1986)

http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0395430569?keywords=0395430569&qid=1453952259&ref_=sr_1_1&sr=8-1(cheap at Follett! )


or "Algebra, Structure and Method Book 1" (note, "book 1" is not "course 1" which would be a middle school text)



I have both of these. I bought the top one at Follett.


The 1970s and earlier versions have their own advantages and disadvantages.


Note also that at Amazon, clicking around on the page for a particular book might link up with some other edition. In other words, on Amazon, the links are all messed up for some older books. So for example, for the Algebra 1 link above, there is a tab for Unknown Binding, but that led to what appears to be a completely different text.

Thank you! It was indeed MUCH cheaper at Folett, so I bought it! I was expecting to pay over $100 for it,so you made my day! :hurray:

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  • 3 months later...

I don't think you're over-thinking.  There are differences.  I would probably avoid the newer ones.  If you like the mid-80s prealgebra (I assume Prealgebra, An Accelerated Course), the ones closest to that format were published in a similar timeframe.  Either one of these would work:


"Algebra 1" (1989, 1986)

http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0395430569?keywords=0395430569&qid=1453952259&ref_=sr_1_1&sr=8-1(cheap at Follett! )


or  "Algebra, Structure and Method Book 1"  (note, "book 1" is not "course 1" which would be a middle school text)



I have both of these.  I bought the top one at Follett.


The 1970s and earlier versions have their own advantages and disadvantages.


Note also that at Amazon, clicking around on the page for a particular book might link up with some other edition.  In other words, on Amazon, the links are all messed up for some older books.  So for example, for the Algebra 1 link above, there is a tab for Unknown Binding, but that led to what appears to be a completely different text.


Resurrecting to say that I received the last of my books today for Dolciani Structure and Method 1980's books, like what wapiti linked above. (I went a little newer for the Brown PreCalc).


The 1980's books are worth a look. Their value is not readily apparent until your student is working through them. While there isn't the level of discovery that AoPS has, if the students are working through the sets, they do make some connections on their own. The TE is useful and makes it easy to schedule, and the "C" level problems are fun and challenging for a mathy student. There is enough review material available in the student text that you don't have to go searching for worksheets when fractions have momentarily fallen out of your teen's brain.


There is some set theory in these, but not to the level the old books have it, so we did cover set theory with some older 1970's Dolciani books.


It took me three months of mostly passive search by isbn on Amazon, Ebay and Betterworld Books. I have TE, Solutions and Student books for Alg 1, Alg 2, and Pre Calc. I didn't pay more the $40 for any single book, most of them less than $10, shipped. It took me two months to find a reasonably priced Solutions for Alg 1. I thought the $70 on Amazon is pretty high for a used book, so I waited. The solutions manual for Algebra 1 is mostly a time saver for me, but very nice for C word problems.


My dc is well into the Algebra 1 (after trying out all the other usual Algebra suspects), and I'm sure we will continue through this series.


Open Library has copies of these if anyone wants to take a closer look.

Edited by elladarcy
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