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Does anyone know where any of the candidates stand on homeschooling?

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I doubt Palin is anti... Alaska has a huge online homeschool program, I think, because of the size of the state. I know there was talk that the oldest daughter would finish up at home. And she was pulled out for a while last year.


Others on the board who live in Ill. have said that Obama tried to pass restrictive homeschool laws there...


If you google the candidates names and homeschool, I expect you will get lots of info.


ETA: Homeschoolers are a pretty big constituency. I doubt either candidate is going to come out vehemently against.

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Dh said he assumes Palin would be anti homeschooling. I'm not sure, but any thoughts on her trying to ban books? I'm also just wondering if anyone knows any of the candidates positions (if they have any) on hsing?


Why would he assume that?


You might try factcheck.org about the book banning thing. The facts seem to be much more benign than the story that has been going around. From the facts I've seen, this story does not concern me. You will hear and see many stories, but always check the sources of those stories, and Google to find facts and evidence.

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I doubt any president's stand on homeschooling would impact anything because homeschool laws are determined by each individual state.


Just my opinion!


True. However, I believe that at some point we will see federal regulation enacted upon homeschoolers. The attitude toward education of whoever is the sitting President at that point may well influence such legislation. We can see what the Bush administration did with NCLB - I don't want any such thing extended towards homeschoolers.


It's not a make or break issue for me, but I do think it's worth considering.


Plus, if a President is in favor of homeschooling, that may mean he or she is also more likely to favor the rights of parents over the rights of the state, and I would likely favor that person.

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I know that Barack Obama is supportive of both homeschooling and parents who choose to stay at home, as he stated such in Audacity of Hope.


He also wants to provide resources for families who do not choose those options, which is why I favor his position over that of John McCain. I feel so lucky to have homeschooling as an option for my family, but realize it is not an option available to many people nor an option that feels right for every family who does have the means to do so.

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True. However, I believe that at some point we will see federal regulation enacted upon homeschoolers. The attitude toward education of whoever is the sitting President at that point may well influence such legislation. We can see what the Bush administration did with NCLB - I don't want any such thing extended towards homeschoolers.


It's not a make or break issue for me, but I do think it's worth considering.


Plus, if a President is in favor of homeschooling, that may mean he or she is also more likely to favor the rights of parents over the rights of the state, and I would likely favor that person.


:iagree: Excellent points! I'm so tired of the book banning thing! Alaska is an awesome state to homeschool in. They give you something like $2000 per year/per child (Alaskan's correct me if I'm wrong). The thing is they can't use it to buy religious based curriculum, but they can use it for extra-curricular activites like dance, gymnastics, piano, etc. That's huge! I could do a lot with that kind of money to supplement my dc's education. I'm assuming that provision was already there before Palin became governor, but I haven't heard that she opposed it either.

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I read a little bit about this. Apparently when she was mayor, she did ask the librarian about banning certain books, but I haven't found anything that actually confirms that any books were banned.


There is a bogus list circulating the Internet, which is supposedly all the books she banned/tried to ban, but many of the books weren't even published at the time the banning supposedly took place.


You can read more about that here:


Snopes on Palin book banning

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I doubt any president's stand on homeschooling would impact anything because homeschool laws are determined by each individual state.


Just my opinion!


Ahh...that's what we thought about abortion laws before Roe v. Wade...it should be left up to the states, but it wasn't..so be careful how things are 'determined'...when you have agencies/unions as large as the NEA and Teacher's unions...you'll see a lot of federal intervention.



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Best site that I had of someone who's researched this and done some of the footwork...my concern is his 'no comment' on the issue...similar to his 'present' vote on issues that were controversial...I would like to see him make a statement about homeschooling...there is a group called homeschoolers for Obama...but I couldn't find anything in their information that gives a direct statement on the issue as McCain has.



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