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work at home options that are legit

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You could check your local Craigslist ads. I found a work-at-home opportunity through there. I was an independent contractor processing rebates at home. (Not one of those online businesses!) It was a legitimate business and I had to pick up my trays of mail once a week and drop off the rebates I had processed. I made about $500 per month.

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Go to www.ratracerebellion.com

this is a free website, with real job listings. They have a huge chart of alot of companies, how much they pay, what states they hire in...etc.


I have worked at home for 1-800-Flowers and Working Solutions (taking calls for Travelocity)....both gave me extra income, not paying-bills income, but money to use for life after bills. 1-800-Flowers was easy, but the company suxs. Working Sol is a great company to work for, pay was decent, I messed that job up with attendance issues :(.




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A friend of mine has a schedule packed to the gills with homeschooling her four children and doing the books for her husband's business. Other things (housework, cooking) were not being kept up.


At one point my friend realized that with all the money they spend on restaurant food and packaged products, she could hire a cook!


So she did.


One of her neighbors now cooks for their family. She gives my friend a grocery list, and my friend stocks the ingredients. The friend sends food over in tupperware containers. Both are overjoyed with the arrangement. The cook has found a way to work from home while doing what she does anyway (cooking for her own family), and my friend is getting made-from-scratch, lovely meals.

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I worked for LiveOps and made as much as I wanted, including $2600 one month we really needed it. I haven't worked lately due to health, but LiveOps is really whatever you make it. It IS selling, but it's all scripted, not that YOU have to come up with what to say.


ChaCha is really neat as it's basically doing quick short searches and giving people answers to questions like "what color is the poison dart frog?" "Who was the 34th president of the U.S.?" "What year was the emancipation proclamation given?" If you want to do this one, please PM me and I'll send you my referral info.


ACDdirect does St Jude and PBS calls.


West@Home takes out taxes but does the same as LiveOps. My understanding is that you don't have the opportunity to make quite as much money, but some people like not being a contract laborer.


Alpine Access is good but has set hours and though they have tons of shifts available, I couldn't find one that works around my schedule.


BTW, I did make some money doing Pampered Chef, but I did find it WORK.


Anyway, HTHs,

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I do at home transcription (business, not legal or medical). I lucked out when I first applied as they weren't requiring experience, but I did have to pass a test. I found out they do require it because I referred a friend to the website. However, if you have experience, this is a good option. I do most of my work at night and work as much or as little as I want. I probably average $200 a week, but I'm a crazy fast typist. The faster you type, the more you make because you're paid by the length of the file you're transcribing. So if you have a 60 minute audio file, you're paid your per minute rate on 60 minutes. I can give you some links if you are interested in this option. Another option would be to invest $$ in taking a medical transcription course. It's an initial outlay, but the at home opps are good and the money's decent. I have a friend who is doing a course now and I could get yo the info if you want. Good luck!

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thanks for the bump, momtoaly, and to all for the info. I'm gonna check out liveops, and chacha today. Kelli




I hope this works out for you!! And, so you know, if you don't get a response to something, it is often just the time you posted--people here are great and always try to help :).


Good luck! I actually think I'm going to look into some of these myself!

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I'm about 3/4 of the way through the M-TEC course and I would be one of the very few detractors of the program. Basically, M-TEC and Andrews are considered the two best MT programs out there but my instructor has been a real dissapointment. We are supposed to have a 3-5 day email turnaround time and I am lucky to get a response in 2 weeks. I'm not sure if my experience is typical or not - it is VERY HARD to find any bad press about M-TEC so I would still rerecommend them. I am getting a good education.


The cost is around $3500 for your course of study and it can be done in 9 months with good effort but there are still some who take 18 months + to finish. You should expect to be able to pay the bills with your earnings for the first year after graduation, but should steadily improve and living frugally, should be able to pay the bills by the 2nd year of employment. There is a HUGE range of salary - from $18K to 60K USD.

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Here's the website my friend said has all the info:




She said to please let me know if you end up doing anything as she apparently gets a referral fee.


She checked this out well and went to an informational seminar near her home so I feel pretty confident this is legit. Apparently there are 5 courses, you go at your own pace. I think they say it takes about 18 months, but she is in the 4th course and it's been about 5-6 months since she started I think.


Best of luck to you!

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