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Abeka science?


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I'd love to hear if anyone has used Abeka science and what do you think of it. I have to admit, I'm considering it for the low cost and ease of use. I was thinking of buying the book for my 7th grader and just follow the topics w/the younger two at their own levels.

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I taught A Beka science in Christian school for years. I did 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. I liked it. It is easy to read, has great pictures and illustrations. I've always thought A Beka has great format and pictures. When I taught it, I used it as a spine. I am a very hands-on, experiment heavy teacher, so we'd read the content and then do an experiment or activity that correlated.

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I taught it in a middle school situation as well, but just one year and it was 7th. I liked the text itself; however, if you are going to follow the program exactly, it's a lot of just memorizing, in my opinion. I remember one test that covered about 200 pages of material, but it was just facts, not really deep thinking. I'm doing SOS science with my 6th grader and doing the same topics with my ds. That idea is working well.


I hope it goes well for you.

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So, would those of you who have used it, agree that it is an adequate and interesting choice for the early elementary? I'm looking to use Apologia, but not until 2nd grade. I'm not a science person.at.all!!! I'm looking for something that's broad and interesting.

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We have used 6th grade and physical science. I really enjoy the physical science. I was surprised how much I like it. (I bought it used for next to nothing thinking I could trash it if I didn't like it!) The teacher's guide is wonderful and it does add some thinking questions. I usually throw in a few more of my own as well and we also use the text as a launch pad to research areas of interest more deeply. The guide also takes you step by step through a formal research paper and science project - very handy! I also liked the 6th grade, but the teacher's edition is not as helpful as the high school level. My favorite cheap elementary science is Rod and Staff - I found it very thorough and easy to use. BTW, we have used Bob Jones and Apologia for middle school - they were fine as well, I just found the Abeka high school teacher's guide so helpful.

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We have used it almost all the way through (everything but Physics which is next year). My extremely science-minded son LOVES it, doing Chemistry right now. The younger 3 are using ABeka for science, too. They are not crazy about science like the oldest, but it's interesting with lots of pictures and we actually like it better than Apologia for the younger grades....haven't tried Apologia at the highschool level.

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