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Magic Tree House - do the books increase in difficulty?


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My son is really getting into reading. He has finished the Nate the Great series and I am ordering him a few books from Scholastic book fair. There is one really great advantage to looking at the Scholastic paper flyer/catalog thingie...it lists the reading level of each book.


It lists Nate the Great as 2.5, and Magic Tree House as 2.1-3.5


A while ago I picked up Magic Tree House number 20-something and thought it was way too hard for my son.


So...I'm just curious. Has anyone noticed that the books increase in difficulty, or do they just jump around, not necessarily increasing with difficulty?

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There is a general trend toward increased difficulty, but there is some fluctuation from book to book. The earlier books are around a second grade to lower third grade reading level. The Merlin Missions books (which are the most recent in the series) are at an upper third grade to early fourth grade reading level. The reading levels are those that are determined by the Accelerated Reader program (what you saw in the Scholastic Catalog). I still go to the Accelerated Reader website to get the reading levels of books so I can gauge whether it might be a good fit for my kids.


My daughter loves the Magic Tree House series and can't wait for the stage show which is coming out next year.

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