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9/19 exercise check in

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Good job getting it done!


I have Day 2 of P.T. this afternoon. I did my p.t. exercises twice yesterday; the first time was fine, but the one exercise the second time around -- WOWSA!! boy that hurt. I'm dreading the "massage" today. Apparently, there are two different types of massage they do; one feels wonderful! The other....not so much. It hurts.


Ah well. After today I'll only have 4 more visits even though I do the exercises twice a day every day (two sets each time of 4 exercises each). The muscle is feeling better already :D

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Good job getting it done!


I have Day 2 of P.T. this afternoon. I did my p.t. exercises twice yesterday; the first time was fine, but the one exercise the second time around -- WOWSA!! boy that hurt. I'm dreading the "massage" today. Apparently, there are two different types of massage they do; one feels wonderful! The other....not so much. It hurts.


Ah well. After today I'll only have 4 more visits even though I do the exercises twice a day every day (two sets each time of 4 exercises each). The muscle is feeling better already :D


You are scaring me on the whole pt thing. I'm still waiting for the referal from my dr so I can start on pt for my sciatica issue. I can't wait to be rid of this pain, but I really don't want to go through more pain. However, a massage does sound good....


I hope you recover quickly and can get back to the road.

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I have Day 2 of P.T. this afternoon. I did my p.t. exercises twice yesterday; the first time was fine, but the one exercise the second time around -- WOWSA!! boy that hurt. I'm dreading the "massage" today. Apparently, there are two different types of massage they do; one feels wonderful! The other....not so much. It hurts.


Ah well. After today I'll only have 4 more visits even though I do the exercises twice a day every day (two sets each time of 4 exercises each). The muscle is feeling better already :D


I'm glad it's feeling better already! That's awesome!

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You are scaring me on the whole pt thing. I'm still waiting for the referal from my dr so I can start on pt for my sciatica issue. I can't wait to be rid of this pain, but I really don't want to go through more pain. However, a massage does sound good....


I hope you recover quickly and can get back to the road.


I don't think I heard how your test went. :toetap05: so....

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I don't think I heard how your test went. :toetap05: so....


Hmm, which test? I was on prescription anti-inflamatory for the sciatica thing along with doing some hamstring stretches and crunches that my friend the ot/runner recommended. I found some relief initially, but it hasn't improved any since then. I posted the other day that my dr recommended I stop running until getting the pain under control with some pt and then start running again under the pt's guideance. While doing routine blood tests, we found my cholesterol was down 30 pts affter 3 months of running! And she also discovered that I am iron deficiency anemic. I'm hoping that explains why the running seemed soooo hard at times. I am now taking lots of iron and the difference in my fatigue and brain fog is incredible.


I'm looking for some good cardio exercise that won't irritate my sciatica issue until I can get back to running.

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Didn't you take off running one day recently due to a TKD test? Brown or black belt?


Oh, that test. You can see my mind is on blood tests right now. :rolleyes:

My kids and I tested for our 3rd chevron on our 1st degree black belts and it went splendidly. Since I started running this summer, my tkd has much improved. I wasn't huffing and puffing half way through our form. The instructor actually told me I did better than my kids this time! This was the last chevron on our 1st degree, our next test is 2nd degree recommended. :thumbup:

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