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removing silver/amalgam fillings


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Has anyone ever done it and replaced them with the composite fillings? I have no reason to do it other than I just hate the way they look. They're on my back teeth and you would only see them if you're really looking, but I've always been self-conscious about them. I've had them since I was a kid (I'm in my 40s now) and have been told a few times that they'll "eventually" need replacing because they don't hold up well, but these suckers are about 30 years old and in perfect condition! 


My DH doesn't think it's a good idea as he thinks once I start messing with my teeth (which are in great condition) that I'll regret it and he says his composite fillings are always cracking.


I know that the silver fillings aren't supposedly good for your health because of the mercury so that's another reason I want them out (though I know taking them out isn't great for you either).


I'm so torn on this! WWYD?

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My dentist recommends leaving them alone if they aren't causing any problems. I've had two replaced with composite, but that was because there was a crack in one tooth and decay outside the filling edge on the other. The ones I have left are also about 30 years old and still doing fine.

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I've had a couple replaced as they've had issues, but it was AWFUL.  The drilling out of the old filling?  YUCK.  The second time, the dentist hit a nerve or something with the numbing shot, and my face was numb for nearly 24 hours.  I would never do it just for the heck of it.  Voluntary dental work is never the route I'd choose, though; I still have two upper wisdom teeth, at 48, because there has never been a time in my life where I had absolutely nothing better to do with that time or that money.

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I had mine removed because of metal allergies.  I don't know that there was a big difference afterward...but I also have to say this:  I have only 2 cavities.  Ever.  So it wasn't a big job.  But I have gotten sort of freaky in my older age and I swear the next time I have dental work done, they are going to have to knock me out flat.  I just don't do well.  What a wuss...two cavities and I can't do any better than this.  But I can't.  


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I had mine out by choice.  I went to a biological dentist that had special equipment for removing the mercury vapor when they drill. 

I wish I had done it this way.  There is also some research that shows that teeth can regenerate but I am too jumpy to try it out.  :0/  

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