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Soph the Vet, can I ask you or others a dog question?

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I hate to bother you with this type of thing but I know that you have offered to help us hive members before so I guess I'm going to take you up on it if you don't mind. :blushing: If you'd rather not give advice like this via the internet I completely understand. I have a 100 lb lab (big dog but not overweight according to our vet) that is almost 10 years old. He has always been very healthy and at his last check-up the vet even commented on how good he looked. However, today he is limping around and really not wanting to walk much. He was fine this morning but started this behavior this afternoon. He has done this a time or two before and it doesn't seem to be any type of external injury causing this. I know that labs are prone to joint problems but I always thought they were usually in the hind legs. This seems to be a problem with his front left leg. I can't quite tell where the pain is coming from, but it seems to be either in his shoulder area or front limb, but not his foot. So, is this something that he needs to be taken in for or is it likely a result of old age? In the past it has seemed to resolve within a day so I never end up taking him in because it is better by the time I get him an appointment. Can I give him baby aspirin (how much) to help relieve the pain when this occurs?



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Ugh, I answered this, don't know where it went?! My dog pulled muscles in her leg a couple of years ago, and when she runs a lot, she'll limp for a day or two. Might be like that. First--never give any meds without asking your vet!!! Especially aspirin, I think that is really dangerous! Second--you can call your vet, but I bet he'll say wait it out a day or two unless he seems in really bad pain or can't walk.


Hope he feels better soon!

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I'm not a vet, but our Lab has arthritis in her shoulders and elbows (the bend in her front legs- I guess thats the elbow??) We took x-rays a few years ago when she started limping, to rule anything else out, and recently did some more since she's gotten worse. Used to be just rainy days, long walks, etc aggravated it, now she limps every day.


We started Rimadyl based on her newest x-rays, which showed it much worse. Her hips and back legs are fine, so it is very possible that its arthritis. Frankly, I've never met a 10 year old Lab who *didn't* have some arthritis, so if yours has gone this long- wow! Rimadyl is *much* cheaper in bulk over the internet, by the way- I got our vet to write a prescription so we can buy it that way. Otherwise, we couldn't afford it, its expensive stuff. Worth it though- she's a whole new doggy almost!

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Hello, I'm not a vet health professional but I'm involved with dogs a lot - my own & I foster for a rescue.


My 90lb female had similar symptoms once recently - I do believe she simply sprained her shoulder or pulled a muscle running down the stairs. Gentle massage, heat (she liked a warm rice 'beanbag' thingy on it) & I did give aspirin.

http://www.vetinfo4dogs.com/daspirin.html for dosages.

I'm not the type of person who runs to the dr with my kids - skin or fur - for everything & I do give otc's which I believe are reasonably safe.


If it were MY dog, I'd start with that, limit activity - esp. jumping on & off things & stairs. Slow gentle walks only & not too far - for a couple days & see how he does. If the pain is getting worse, or appears to be spreading, if you can't manipulate the leg, or if anything else seems 'off', then I'd take him in right now.


HWVR, given the size & age of your dog, I definitely WOULD have him x-rayed soon so you know what's going on with his joints. I just don't think it's necessarily an emerg & that you need to go now.


If the xrays come normal or only mild joint deterioration, consider supplementation with MSM & glucosamine & chondroitin, &/or Dog Gone Pain or other similar joint formula for prevention.


If it's extensive, then do the supplements AND rimadyl orally, or cartrophen injections. These can really make a huge difference in their quality of life.

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Thank you everyone for responding! It just makes me feel better reading the support and suggestions that you all offer. He seems in really good spirits except for the limping and little whimpers he lets out when he tries to use that leg. So, thankfully, don't think it is anything more serious, probably just a case of arthritis or pulled muscle like several have mentioned. It is just so hard to see him in pain like this:sad:. I think I'm going to get him started on some joint supplements (chondroitin, glucosomine etc). Even if this episode is being caused by something other than arthritis, I know as a lab this will most certainly become an issue someday and hopefully that will help a little. If he still seems in pain tomorrow, I'll get in touch with our vet and find out about a pain reliever and see what he suggests regarding x-rays.


Thank you all!

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Sorry, I didn't check the boards until this morning! You can always PM me with a vet question. 10yr. old 100# labs can go lame for a few reasons. Here is my rule-out list:

1. Lymes disease

2. Soft-tissue strain (like tendon or ligament)

3. Arthritis

4. Neoplasia (bone or fibrous tissue cancer)

Things to note. Is he lethargic or not eating as well? Test him for Lymes.

Is he more stiff when he first gets up and warms out of it? Might be arthritis.

If he walks with the paw flat but limping, it is probably higher up like elbow or shoulder pain. Is there swelling in any of the joints? Is there firm swelling on any of the long bones? That might point to a tumor.

A Lymes test and an x-ray are prudent. You can give him one regular strenght aspirin (325mg.) twice a day for a couple days. I would not go longer due to GI bleeding,etc.

If the limp came up suddenly and he is getting better it is probably a soft-tissue injury. Keeping him on the trim side will help prevent these types of injuries and also help him if he has arthritis.

Let me know how he does!


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Thank you so much for this response, I really appreciate it! He seems to be doing quite a bit better this morning.:D The pain seems to be gone and so does the limp for the most part. I'll answer some of your questions in the body of your text......



Sorry, I didn't check the boards until this morning! You can always PM me with a vet question. 10yr. old 100# labs can go lame for a few reasons. Here is my rule-out list:

1. Lymes disease

2. Soft-tissue strain (like tendon or ligament)

3. Arthritis

4. Neoplasia (bone or fibrous tissue cancer)

Things to note. Is he lethargic or not eating as well? Test him for Lymes.

He doesn't seem lethargic at all and his appetite seems normal. He didn't want to get up but he'd lay on the floor, thumping his tail as vigorously as ever and his eyes looked bright.


Is he more stiff when he first gets up and warms out of it? Might be arthritis.

Yes, he definitely seemed to have trouble getting up and would whimper alot. Sometimes he'd try to get up, whimper, and then stop trying to get up. However, once he made the effort to get up, and walk a few seconds, the whimpering seemed to stop. As he continues to walk, he seems to loosen up and not limp as much too.



If he walks with the paw flat but limping, it is probably higher up like elbow or shoulder pain. This seems to be the case.



Is there swelling in any of the joints? Is there firm swelling on any of the long bones? That might point to a tumor. I tried to check for swelling but didn't seem to notice any. However, I'm not exactly sure what I'm looking for and not sure how well I'd notice it unless it was really severe.



A Lymes test and an x-ray are prudent. You can give him one regular strenght aspirin (325mg.) twice a day for a couple days. I would not go longer due to GI bleeding,etc. Thanks for the info on pain reliever. He seems much better today but I'll write it down for future reference. Would you still recommend these tests if he seems better today?



If the limp came up suddenly and he is getting better it is probably a soft-tissue injury. It did come up suddenly, he seemed find yesterday morning and then not fine in the afternoon. However, he has had a similar episode a time or two before.


Keeping him on the trim side will help prevent these types of injuries and also help him if he has arthritis.

Let me know how he does!




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Glad he sounds better today. That can happen with arthritis, just a guess. Keep an eye on him. If he seems to deteriorate again I would definitely have him tested for Lymes (costs about $30-40) to rule that out and maybe do x-rays based on what your vet finds.

When you are looking for swelling have him stand up and run your hands down both front legs simultaneously...neat thing how God gave them two so you can compare side to side. That might help you find any smaller swelling.

Also, I did not mention, but aspirin is fine for dogs but DO NOT GIVE IBUPROFEN OR TYLENOL...can be fatal in dogs and cats.

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Thanks again Soph!



Glad he sounds better today. That can happen with arthritis, just a guess. Keep an eye on him. If he seems to deteriorate again I would definitely have him tested for Lymes (costs about $30-40) to rule that out and maybe do x-rays based on what your vet finds.
Thanks, will do.



When you are looking for swelling have him stand up and run your hands down both front legs simultaneously...neat thing how God gave them two so you can compare side to side.

Well, duh, why didn't I think of that. :blushing:



Also, I did not mention, but aspirin is fine for dogs but DO NOT GIVE IBUPROFEN OR TYLENOL...can be fatal in dogs and cats.

Yep, I actually knew this one from my days of volunteering in a vet office.


Thank you so much. I really appreciate it and only wish I could say something else to help you understand how much!



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