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Who's going to tackle Wednesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Hi, it's 3am and I just pushed the Amazon.com button on Christmas.  Ugh!  I hope there will be no more of that.  I just need to come up with something generic for two teen girls, and a bunch of gift cards.  I think I can do this.  I got too much for my girls as usual, so I really need to stay away from the Amazon site now!


I will get some sleep now, and then take the kids to horse camp and then work.  At some point I need to pack for 5 days.  We fly out sometime in the afternoon to Vegas.  I'll be working on the plane and again in the evening after we get settled. 


I just hope I don't forget anything important.  :P

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Drink coffee - check!

Work on novel

Supervise kids working on their papers due next Tuesday

Do load of sheets 

Take 16 yo to friends house to work on debate

Go shopping for Thanksgiving stuff

p/u 16 yo

Take dd to voice lesson (not sure if she had one this week)

Fix some kind of dinner

Take 16 yo to work

p/u from work



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My plans for today got a last-minute change yesterday. My sister in law called to say that the doctor said my mother in law is going downhill quickly and may not make it through the holidays. We had originally planned to have a small Thanksgiving dinner tonight at mother in law's house -- just eight of us -- so that sister in law's kids could be with her tonight and then with their in-laws tomorrow. Now, everyone is coming to mother-in-law's tonight. Which means that I am headed over there now to help sister in law fix dinner for the crowd -- which could be upwards of 60 or 70 people, depending on how many can work it in at the last minute. 

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Last day before dh's 4 day weekend! I've got a lot to do around the house so I can relax with a clean house this holiday weekend.


- quick clean downstairs

- clean my room

- kids quick clean their room

- clean computer room

- dh clean bathrooms

- make meal plan for next week

- grocery store?

- kung fu for kids if they want

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My day:


--College Girl has my car to work 6-3

--dd15 has Model UN tonight (yes, tonight for those who can make it--conference is in early Jan); dd20 will drive her and she will get a ride home


--walk to/from gym for training session

--make apple pie(s?)

--make crust for pumpkin chiffon pie

--make dairy-free pumpkin custard pie

--make gingerbread (dd will do this)

--roast sweet potatoes to be reheated tomorrow

--cube bread for stuffing (dd also)


Dh and I are having a date tonight :) We're going to a restaurant for their small plate happy hour and $5 martini drinks :D and then doing some shopping (gifts and regular stuff like shoes for him).

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Good Morning! 


Laura... :grouphug:


The kids got home late last night and we all slept in.  



Just a quick house tidy.

Yard guys should come for the last time of the season.

Prep everything for Thanksgiving lunch tomorrow.

Quick trip to WM 


Have a great day everyone!



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Good morning

- pay bills- done

- go pick up dd1's sweatshirt (last b-day present from us)- done, I lied I bought her two sketch books today that were on clearance at Walmart for 50 cents (bought a total of 6, two for each of us girls :D)

- go to store to get stuff for tomorrow- done

- tidy house- round 1 done and cleaned kitchen except the floors

- dishes- in dishwasher

- school work- studying for exams

- get dd1 off bus- done

- dinner- done

- baths

- bedtime routine

- anything else I get done- all of dd1's gifts are wrapped, load of laundry in washer

Edited by MomtoCandJ
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So sorry, Laura. We have a pretty regular day here. I am going to look at a house which has absolutely no chance of working for Dh. But I want to see it anyway.


To do:

Swim practices

School for all (lots of things due today)

Pick up pizzas for tomorrow (Mom's Perfect Thanksgiving)

Look at the house

Assign random chores



Have a great day!

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Kid's room is cleaned! My room is partially done! Downstairs is partially done!


My 2 year old asked me if he helps me clean my room will I give him a dollar. I said yes and gave him his first task. His reply, " oh, that's too hard," and he ran out of the room and played with his siblings instead.

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Laura, that sounds tough with your mother in law's health crisis.  May you get through this Thanksgiving with grace and strength!


Thank you. It was a long day, but we made it. My sister in law and I cooked and set up pretty much all day, as most everyone else had to work yesterday. We had aimed for eating at 6:00, but the turkey took longer than planned (doesn't it always?) and we ate at 6:30. 


We only had about 25 for dinner. Six of Granny's seven children were able to be there, but we didn't have most of the grandchildren and great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren  -- she just wasn't up to that. A few stopped by earlier in the day, and more will be there throughout the weekend, I expect. 

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