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Need advice about 4 1/2 year old DD


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I love her to pieces. She very smart, sweet, full of passion. She is also LOUD, whiny, bossy, crabby, spirited, and strong willed. She knows all her letters and letter sounds. She can write all of her letters, and write words that I spell for her. She can spell several words, and read most 3 letter words. The problem is she will only do any of this when she feels like it. Trying to get her to sit for any type of lesson is almost impossible. Even really short fun ones. This year I purchased Hooked on Spanish, and some BOB books....nothing too complicated or involved.....just trying to keep it fun. Well she hasn't done any of it. Says she doesn't want to. And if I try to make an issue of it, that just makes it worse. She's a very negative child, and tends to see the glass half empty anyway. I really want to do some fun things with her this year, but so far, it's not looking good. She loves animals. So I've tried some fun animal lapbooks....no go on that either. DH and I are talking about sending her to K next year. I know she will love it, but it kills me to think about someone else teaching her. :crying: On the other hand, if she won't listen to me, maybe K is what's best for her.

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You and she have done really well to have her achieve so much by 4 1/2. I don't think it would do any harm to just back off for a while and leave her to do whatever she wants. She'll see you and your older child having fun doing school together and I would be surprised if she doesn't eventually want to do school again.

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If she were my child, I would drop any and all academic schoolwork unless she wants to do it. "school" would be read-alouds, crafts and games. Nothing else. After all, she's four!


I would, however, work seriously on obedience and attitude. Find stories which stress viewing the glass half-full, discuss different ways of approaching things, and teach obedience. If she really has an "eyore" personality, you can't change her personality, but you can start giving her tools to live more happily.


Obedience is just a key issue that four year olds often struggle with, in my experience, and it's very important for your daughter to learn it - now is easier than later! It's much healthier (and easier) to tie this lesson to non-schoolwork issues.


Just my $0.02!!



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If she were my child, I would drop any and all academic schoolwork unless she wants to do it. "school" would be read-alouds, crafts and games. Nothing else. After all, she's four!


I would, however, work seriously on obedience and attitude. Find stories which stress viewing the glass half-full, discuss different ways of approaching things, and teach obedience. If she really has an "eyore" personality, you can't change her personality, but you can start giving her tools to live more happily.


Obedience is just a key issue that four year olds often struggle with, in my experience, and it's very important for your daughter to learn it - now is easier than later! It's much healthier (and easier) to tie this lesson to non-schoolwork issues.


Just my $0.02!!




:iagree: 4-year olds need more work in the learning to cooperate area than the academic area. They're just so FOUR. Adorable, but very four.

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If she were my child, I would drop any and all academic schoolwork unless she wants to do it. "school" would be read-alouds, crafts and games. Nothing else. After all, she's four!



Educational games would be great -- I'm thinking Playskool & Fisher Price -- something fun but also something that develops fine motor skills as well as key concepts like patterns, counting, matching, etc.

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I would not do any "school" work and would concentrate on getting a routine down and better obedience at this age.



Yup, and read aloud until you're hoarse, and run and play and run and play. My active guy listened to my read alouds while doing flips on my bed. If I stopped he'd yelp for more and if I asked him "so what did Bobby just eat?" he always knew, so he was listening even as he was being 4.

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