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Beast Academy Spoiler Alert


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Depending on how closely you've been reading... this may or may not require a spoiler alert...


Calamitous Clod IS Professor Grok. We figured this out during read-aloud of Beast Academy.


DD6: "He is obviously the same. He has the same number of legs and everything."


DD9: "Uh, no. Look at the mustaches. Totally different."




In my defense, I have a lot going on and just kind of let DD9 go for it. I never really read through anything but the specific instructions with her.

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:lol:  :lol:  :lol:


One of my kids (the one who didn't do Beast, I'll add...) actually did seem strangely confused by this. Maybe that should be the test for whether or not Beast works for a kid... if they get that they're the same person.

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Oh, DD9 is the one going through the 3s right now, and DD6 is in an immersion school in which they are grouping for math by ability. The teacher has them all doing 2nd and 3rd grade math in 1st grade. Because it's immersion and because they can--it's all Chinese kids and Americans who are willing to put up with the Chinese way. I wish they did it at all the schools. DD9 NEEDs BA. She NEEDS to be challenged, to be forced to think and not go through the motions procedurally. Procedure is no problem for her. I could have that kid doing calculus mindlessly.


Critical thinking, however, is hard, at least in math. Reading instructions is hard. So this is great for her. By forcing her to go through this in such a friendly way--she loves the monsters--it's been great.


Just today she said thanks for teaching her with these books because if she didn't have the beasts she wouldn't have been able to take on the more challenging questions in her math challenge packet at school. I am VERY happy with this program for my more concrete / visual thinker. "Because we do Beast Academy at home, mom, those challenges are easy."



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LOL...this is a subject of ongoing debate in our house. Partly because for a while every time one kid said he IS or ISN'T the same, I presented a possible argument in favor of the opposite view. ;-). The kids are all hoping there will be a big reveal in the end of the last book to solve this once and for all!

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LOL! My ds walked me through his "they are clearly the same" argument, watching for agreement.


If your dd is in the 3's, I want to give you a heads-up that after ds read through 4b he turned to me and said, "mom, I'm glad you had me watch Princess Bride." Haha. I bet there are tons of cultural references they miss. Somebody could write a Guide to Beast Academy one of there days.

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LOL! My ds walked me through his "they are clearly the same" argument, watching for agreement.


If your dd is in the 3's, I want to give you a heads-up that after ds read through 4b he turned to me and said, "mom, I'm glad you had me watch Princess Bride." Haha. I bet there are tons of cultural references they miss. Somebody could write a Guide to Beast Academy one of there days.


Oh, that's good to know! My dd loves all the allusions.  And yes, immediately caught on to the Grok thing.  She loves those lessons and always wants to skip ahead to them.

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I asked my son what he thought and he said "I was just thinking about that the other day. I think they are the same."


And now I need to read them and reshow him The Princess Bride before he finishes level 3 and starts on 4 apparently!

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LOL! My ds walked me through his "they are clearly the same" argument, watching for agreement.


If your dd is in the 3's, I want to give you a heads-up that after ds read through 4b he turned to me and said, "mom, I'm glad you had me watch Princess Bride." Haha. I bet there are tons of cultural references they miss. Somebody could write a Guide to Beast Academy one of there days.


Absolutely! My two personal favorites are the "Vitruvian Alex" at the beginning of 4A (riffing on DaVinci's Vitruvian Man ) and the Star Wars joke in 3B (Alex: "Was it a fast ship?" Captain Kraken: "Fast? She made the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs!")


We haven't done 4B yet, though, so I'll be on the lookout. :) 

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