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Free Stuff! (And some of my favorites)


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I'm just starting homeschooling and you may already know these.




Did you know you can teach economics to little ones-consumers, producers, net profits, economic wants, productivity, etc? Pint Size Economics is for grades 3-5 and Half-Pint Economics is for K-3. There is a literature component that uses good books to go along with each topic. It's not free, but very unique.





O.K. I know this is a history-rich board and you don’t need any more history resources, but this is interesting. It’s a free history book by a teacher who is not enthusiastic about history texts. He teaches chronologically. It’s not CHOW or SOTW but I printed the book and use it as a guide. I think it’s for older kids. He teaches geography along with history. One advantage I find is that it’s easy to edit texts that you print yourself. Got a different view on something (like origins)? Just cut and paste. -Free





These lessons are too cute. They teach concepts(up to about grade 5 or 6) through interactive stories. Try “As the Earth Turns†- Free






Online EDUCATIONAL GAMES (if you use them)


This site is almost endless. It’s from Harcourt Brace and you can use it by subject, grade and even your state’s standards. Very engaging games for almost all subjects from k-6.

My dd uses the math, but click on the HOME button at the top for other subjects.




The BEST interactive space module I’ve ever seen. Really shows what the solar system is like and your child can build his/her own planet. (They may be able to make a solar system, but I can’t remember.)




We use the geography games here, but there is much more. (Has ads)


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I had to stop mid-post yesterday for my screaming baby. I tried not to list the most common sites that everyone already uses (KISS grammar, biology4kids, msNucleus, etc.), although you may already use these. Just trying to be helpful.



Australian site for elem to high school. Teaches some concepts in english, math, art, science, etc. Most of site is "interactive games" which are really quizzes. Good to use for testing. The "mental math" covers everything from simple addition to geometry, trig., Pythagoras theorem (I had to copy and paste that word) and all points in between.





UK site. Free lesson plans, activity ideas and

resources for primary teachers.



"Short, quick lessons, practice exercises, challenging math problems and printable worksheets. Ideal for a quick after-school or in-class review." I haven't used this site yet. Look under free activities





eThemes is an extensive database of content-rich, age-appropriate resources organized around specific themes. These resources are created for educators to use in their classrooms.




K-8 Loads of links to activities in each subject. Scroll to bottom for different grade




Nice biology-Biomes, ecosystems, parts of plants,



EEK! "This electronic magazine is for kids in grades 4-8. Surf around and learn more about the great outdoors" Good demonstrations of lower grade science concepts and more




Literature units already made up for you.




Literature, grammar, vocab, mythology, Shakespeare




Free timeline pictures



Mathmol- online textbook. A k-12 guide to the world of molecules.




Back to baby.......:smash:




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... You had a few sites that I had found a few years ago and forgot about. Thanks!


I forget them too unless I save them to my list of favorites in Internet Explorer, which is getting out of control. My computer crashed and I almost lost all of my links.


I was wondering if there was a place on this site for everyone to share links.(?) Otherwise, new members will miss a lot until someone mentions a site again. Did I overlook it, or is that something that's not feasible?

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